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Everything posted by WWWPerfA_ZN0W

  1. @lildisco nice job! yeah 2015-2018 had different rotor sizes just like gen 1. i think gen 1.5 size didn't matter lol.
  2. can't wait to see em on car.
  3. You want SN+ oil (or SP) in your turbo engine, these oils are made for use in forced induction engines. 5W30 minimum, though 10W30 might work with lower volatility and better resistance to fuel dilution/shear. Full synthetic of course for normal oil change intervals, anything you can get off Walmart shelves or online should be adequate. Now if you are a full throttle type driver, there are "better" oils out there, but you have to pay the $$$.
  4. you just have to pull up HARD on the box. there are pushin type retainers kinda like what they use for the appearance cover. before reinstalling, clean up the area, add a dab of dielectric grease. that should keep it from being difficult next time.
  5. going on 14 years ... not too bad! hope the escape serves you well.
  6. headlights should not dim while driving. check to see what voltage is present at the connectors. if bulbs are old, they may be failing as well. do you have halogen or HID?
  7. your dealer is being a PITA, interpreting the extended warranty in the strictest sense possible. definitely contact the agency as omar said and plead your case, and with Ford corporate in the u.s. or dubai extension.
  8. there may be PIDs for Gen 2 to monitor battery charging, as there are for Gen 1.5. If the SoC PID shows less than 100%, you know you have a problem. I do not recall if amp flow is also available as one of the PIDs. I use this basic amp meter w BT to measure on our vehicles. I have to yet to do it while driving/putting different loads on the vehicle, but it works. https://smile.amazon.com/Multimeter-HOLDPEAK-Auto-ranging-Resistance-Capacitance/dp/B08HLPHG8Z/
  9. sizes are listed in the owners manual. what you have depends on what options you have. https://www.mactgarage.com/gen-2-ford-edge-capacities-and-spec if you look up the site i posted earlier, you can compare battery sizes to see what fits if the OEM size is not available.
  10. TSB 19-2331 attached TSB 19-2331_2019 Edge Nautilus 8F35 Harsh Shifting P to R P to D R to D Clunking_Reprogram PCM.pdf
  11. sounds like you could use summer tires but for those coupla times a year. otherwise Michelin Defenders are a good tire, and wear like iron. hopefully you are running the 20s and not the 21s, as tires are much harder to find in the 21 size. (thanks, momma ford!)
  12. An Odyssey or Northstar are you best bets for the highest CCAs in any AGM Battery size. Parts store branded batteries have less CCAs, but still a worthwhile upgrade if you have the smaller of the 2 oem batteries. Motorcraft is a decent alternative, but reliability can be somewhat unpredictable. always check the production date and battery voltage/CCAs at time of purchase to ensure the best outcome. Note that many battery group sizes are very similar, so don't be discouraged if you don't see the exact size the mfr specifies. https://www.batteryweb.com/bci as a reference.
  13. Since CCAs are determined at 0F, 50F is a good ways away from testing the battery SoC. I would still get a tester for the battery like the Solar BA9 and have at it. the only way to test the alternator is on the bench. you could make do with an amp meter that has bluetooth and measure it actively while driving with different loads on it.
  14. many many small changes that Ford does. even their original designs are obviously not perfect. what you have achieved is a labor of love. this might wind up with more hours in it that it would take to bore, hone, and stroke an engine lol.
  15. Hello there! Please tell us about your Edge, post pics if you can
  16. @macbwt is actually MACT but yes, he has put a lot of effort into the information provided, sometimes in TOO much detail lol.
  17. maybe the difference is the "https://www." in the current URL vs none in the links in OP?
  18. keep receipt handy for reimbursement. may be able to argue the case for Ford to cover all the defective brake hoses.
  19. XPel is good stuff. Congrats & welcome!
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