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Edge Platinum Member
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Everything posted by WWWPerfA_ZN0W

  1. Welcome in, Doug, I do hope you end up buying the Edge Off topic, but are you a Penn State-r by any chance? J/C due to the username.
  2. Sounds like your Edge is tiptop!
  3. Hopefully it does what it says! What do you set it at for synthetic blends? Caveat: Some specialty or extended use oils with high levels of additives, or with metals such as zinc or moly, may give falsely negative results. Examples include Amsoil Signature series, Redline, and non API Royal Purple oils. Always read the reviews for tips to get the most out of the product BEFORE you buy
  4. Ecoboost engines by nature are more demanding of their oils than the naturally aspirated offerings. Most of the longer-lived engines have been due to owners with OCD about oil changes, regardless of which oil you use, from Motorcraft Synblend to Amsoil Signature. Sure you pay over time, but you keep the engine running like a top. Anyway, chefduane, you can use Trip2 to log the hours, I think it turns over every 100 hours, so should be easy to keep an eye on that. Idling time should also be counted in the hours. Not sure remote start + idling is included in there though, worth a check.
  5. Begin the dialogue. Make him understand you are looking to keep the Edge longterm and do business with him longterm. Then he may assist you with getting a new/remanufactured transmission. Won't be easy or a short process, but being earnest with the dealer is a good start.
  6. New transmission would put the mind so much more at ease. What will happen once out of warranty?
  7. There is one oil feed tube for each bank. #14 and #21
  8. There is going to be micro marring regardless. One step polishing afterwards at a min required to get the best out of it.
  9. HTH 2011 Edge Supplemental Restraint System _SRS_ Depowering and Repowering.pdf 2010 Edge_Pinpoint Test G_The Power Seat Does Not Move Horizontally-Vertically — Driver.pdf
  10. Looking at ABS error codes? Caused by a cracked tone ring? Normally an axle replacement is required because the tone rings are not available separately. HOWEVER, one member has come up with an ingenious solution to fix the tone ring, and here's how (thanks, suprasteve!): http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/22452-abs-tone-ring-repair-fault-code-c0226c0222/
  11. Welcome & congrats! Pics are best hosted on Photobucket/Flickr/imgur, then the link posted back here. You can also attach files but there is a size limit most mobile cameras easily exceed. To attach files, look to the bottom right of your reply box. If you see a MORE REPLY OPTIONS there, select that to get the full version of the reply box. At the bottom left, you will have the option to attach files. On a mobile device, you will likely have to VIEW DESKTOP SITE to see these options. File restrictions are much less if you choose to become a lifetime member of this site also. Not expensive at all. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/18696-ford-edge-forum-platinum-membership
  12. Usually I would attribute this to a low engine coolant/AC refrigerant issue (idle performance). The fans seem to be working as designed. The A/C system has been checked for leaks, yes? Have you ever had the evaporator serviced? I can only imagine what the drain tube goes through in the Middle East. Also, check the fan readings you get when starting with engine already at normal operating temperature.
  13. Trials & tribulations Call up Centric and rip 'em a new one LOL. They should not be making mistakes like this 3 MYs in. The normal process is to turn rotors before using new pads so they get bedded in properly. But yeah, for a very short time, probably ok, though there will likely be some grabbiness. Use plenty of brake cleaner to clean off the old rotors before you put in the new pads, that should help.
  14. It's got a drain plug. What excuse do they have not to service??? Glad you got it done, easy peasy!
  15. SCT is a company that provides a tuning device you use to load tunes onto your vehicle, whether it is a custom tune, or whether you are returning the programming to stock/OEM. The device DOES come with SCT's off the shelf/canned tunes, but they are pretty laughable compared to a custom tune. See Unleashed's products here: http://www.unleashedtuning.com The special: Purchase any SCT Programmer and get 3 Custom Tune Files and Free Ground Shipping. Just choose the 3 Custom Tune option before putting it into your cart and use coupon code OX10KR04YV Some people go for the LiveWire, but most opt for the SCT X4, so your cost outofpocket would be $399 for 3 custom tunes loaded onto the device & shipped, pretty good deal! Customer support for the device will be directly with SCT, and the best way to reach them/get help is over the phone (true of pretty much any tuning company). Best way to interact with Unleashed is via EMail. Always verify your car battery's health: voltage and CCAs before starting the flash process. Just like you don't want to pull the power on a computer while upgrading it's BiOS, you don't want power to die while the programming is updated. The flash process runs a series of checks during the process to verify the vehicle is responding correctly, and since the vehicle is not running at the time, it draws power from the battery. A solid battery is a MUST. Owner's manual for the X4: https://az824306.vo.msecnd.net/support-pdfs/X4Manual_003.pdf and many more available at: https://www.sctflash.com/support The one thing that is still kinda clunky is that when it comes time to update your device's Firmware, Tune Revision or to load Custom Tunes onto your device you still need to rely on a Windows OS based device. But if you have such a device, you can run LiveLink software to give you a much more powerful window into your tunes and your vehicle's performance. Not absolutely needed, but good to have. I also recommend as the first step to download and save the OEM tune as a backup, just in case. There are plenty of useful guides on the interwebz to help you along, but many people on this forum can help guide you as well.
  16. SCT tuner, Unleashed Tuning (Torrie McPhail) should be able to tune your 3.7L. Plus Unleashed's Memorial Day Sale is ongoing ... I am sure Livernois can also tune the 3.7L. Plenty of people have lowered their Edges with H&Rs (pretty much the only option available), and noted better handling without giving up much if anything in ride quality. You should definitely get an alignment after putting a few miles on to break them in. Note that since ride height IS lowered, be more careful with steep driveways & such to prevent scraping of the undersides. Thankfully no body panel to worry about with the 3.7L.
  17. If the problem is a cracked tone ring, there is a writeup by a member on here on how to "fix" it. Perhaps he will update upon request.
  18. The baggie test will prove it works well & quickly, no major effort required. I do recommend a quality product to lubricate the areas being "clayed". Water or soapy water won't work as well.
  19. Welcome, and congrats! Since it is for the wife, make sure it is maintained well Also put up pics of both rides please ... :camera:
  20. I realize the 2.0EB is second generation, but I would still be aggressive on fluid changes, including engine oil. Even if you choose to go by miles, track the hours so you understand how they correspond under YOUR driving conditions. I like to advocate putting the EB vehicles under the special operating conditions category. So much depends on the engine oil in this case that it is simply a good precaution to change out oil earlier rather than sooner. ESPECIALLY if you are using synthethic blends and not full synthetic.
  21. HTH. 2010 EdgeMKX Roof Opening Panel Trim — Front.pdf
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