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About pdilow

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  1. I too went through this. The WD40 wasn't cutting it anymore. Had to have the latch replaced...
  2. Wow. Thanks for letting us know. I noticed mine seemed to start after going through a pretty rough car wash. Don't know if that could have jostled stuff around and set it off. I haven't had a warning light since I pulled my battery and both systems are working fine.
  3. Scratch that. I went out and disconnected the battery for a few minutes, plugged it back in and no more warnings. I made sure that both systems were still set to be on. Turned it off and on a few times to check it. Let it sit for about ten minutes and no problems. In case anybody else has this problem I'd suggest this first. Hopefully it doesn't start doing it again soon.
  4. Put your VIN number in the [your VIN here] and it will show you what package/options you have. services.forddirect.fordvehicles.com/inventory/WindowSticker.pdf?vin=[your VIN here]
  5. If you could let me know what they say when you bring it in that'd be great. Mine won't go in until next week. Thanks!
  6. Unfortunately it's out of warranty, put some good milage on it. :mellow: I'll be bringing it into the dealership soon just thought I'd check her for any solutions first.
  7. I should've mentioned too, when I do get in and drive it the collision warning does work as it should and so does the adaptive cruise control (which I'm assuming also uses the radar). I can't really tell whether or not the AdvanceTrac is operating. I called a Ford dealership today and he said it doesn't make sense the AdvanceTrac would have a problem if the car hasn't even moved yet since it's based on the stability/other functions of the car as it moves. Again, any thoughts would be great. Thanks.
  8. I have a 2011 Edge Limited. When I start it up if I don't move it (just stay in park in the driveway) for a couple of minutes it will start beeping and say "Service AdvanceTrac" and "Collision Warning not available" at the same time. After a second of beeping the warnings disappear. If I continue to sit there they will come on again. After about five minutes of going back and forth the warning light will eventually stay on. If I restart the car they disappear. If I get in the car, turn it on and start driving I never see a warning for either issue. Has anyone heard of this or have any ideas what's causing it or how to fix it? Thanks.
  9. Thanks for everyone's help. In the green corner it displayed a compass and it didn't do anything when I touched it. I also search the VIN and it has the 301A package with "Voice Activated Navigation System" so I think I should be good to go.
  10. I am looking to buy a used 2011 Ford Edge Limited from a non-Ford dealership. I went and looked at it and noticed the Nav SD card was missing and I couldn't select navigation on the My Ford Touch screen. They said they'd get me one but I want to make sure I get the right thing with all the updates lately. Can anyone tell me what the SD card should look like/have written on it or what version it is? Also, if it has My Ford Touch does it automatically have navigation? I know they sent out the updates to all current Edge owners but does that include if I buy a pre-owned or will I have to go to a Ford dealership and pay for them? Thanks.
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