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About scgirl9903

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  1. I have a 2011 Ford Edge that just stalled again for the 3rd time. The first two times were in May and it just happened again this weekend. The first two times I was on the highway (with kids in car) and car just stopped accelerating and the wrench light came on. Thankfully I was able to steer car to side of road as it coasted to a stop. It happened again this weekend in neighborhood, going 35mph. Took it to dealer all 3 times. First time they said I had carbon build up in fuel system and charged me $400. Second time said they couldn't "duplicate" the problem, but said they "recalibrated" the system. The car is at the dealer now for 3rd stalling incident and they say they can't find anything wrong. I'm afraid I'm going to get killed in this car. From what I've read, most people that have had this issue, it was the throttle body. They refuse to replace it because they say it's testing okay. Anyone else with similar problem get their car fixed and if so what was the problem?
  2. I have a 2011 Ford Edge that just stalled again for the 3rd time. The first two times were in May and it just happened again this weekend. The first two times I was on the highway (with kids in car) and car just stopped accelerating and the wrench light came on. Thankfully I was able to steer car to side of road as it coasted to a stop. It happened again this weekend in neighborhood, going 35mph. Took it to dealer all 3 times. First time they said I had carbon build up in fuel system and charged me $400. Second time said they couldn't "duplicate" the problem, but said they "recalibrated" the system. The car is at the dealer now for 3rd stalling incident and they say they can't find anything wrong. I'm afraid I'm going to get killed in this car. From what I've read, most people that have had this issue, it was the throttle body. They refuse to replace it because they say it's testing okay. Anyone else with similar problem get their car fixed and if so what was the problem?
  3. I have a 2011 Ford Edge. It has stalled on me, with wrench light coming on, three separate times in 3 months time. Doesn't matter the speed, two times on highway, one time in neighborhood. Car goes completely limp and coasts to a stop. I'm able to steer it to the side while it's stopping. It is very frightening! It happened the first time in May (at roughly 36,000 miles) then again a week later. Now it just happened again yesterday (August), 4,000 miles since the last time. The first time we took it to the dealer, they said there was carbon buildup in the fuel system. Charged us $400 to clean it. The second time we took it, said they couldn't duplicate the problem, but did a "recalibration". Will be taking it back to the dealer tomorrow!
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