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Everything posted by candurin

  1. I just replaced all 4 speakers in my 2012 edge with infinity kappa 682.9cf and really like the sound improvement! I did attenuate the treble in the rear speakers using the -3db button. Worth the $150 I spent (amazon). If I didn't have a 3 year old and a 10 month old in the car, I am sure I would have considered a much better system, as it is I can't play the music that loud anyway
  2. Correct. The vanity bulbs are NOT the wedge style 37 bulbs, they are the festoon style bulbs that you linked to.. Just keep in mind, they will be overpowering/bright and not very functional as a vanity mirror. You're wife/partner/SO, will likely not be able to use them as intended. I changed all other bulbs in my car but left these alone.
  3. Thanks! You did say that it was white/amber, I just managed to COMPLETELY ignore it and ask anyway
  4. Shantz, I used 3 x 41mm for the rear cargo/dome: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0061SHI7I/ref=oh_details_o03_s00_i00 And 31mm for the puddles: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004ZVZNPM/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00
  5. You got the type 2s and they work, no problem? Or did you get type 1s?
  6. Usually (more often than not), all the "guts" of the system is installed, you only need to change the headlight selection knob to one with the auto headlight option included (or mod the switch to turn clockwise one additional step). Looks like this might be it (check with your local dealer for part number): http://www.fordpartsgiant.com/parts/ford-switch-asy-headlam_sw-6805.html or you can buy on the bay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/MOTORCRAFT-SW-6805-Switch-Headlight-/180890669719?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2a1dec9297&vxp=mtr I don't gurantee it will work, but if you look at other ford forums (taurus, escape), people added auto headlight function just by changing the switch (I did it on my 04 taurus and it worked just fine).
  7. Just finished installing my 682.9cf's in all 4 doors. Took me about 2 hours (few beer breaks) and was VERY easy to do. $160 total on amazon (speakers and adapters).
  8. Homelink can do either rolling or static /fixed codes no problem. Older versions could only do fixed codes but since all new ford versions of homelink can do either (let's say 2006 and newer).
  9. Did you follow the instructions exactly? I had to use my garage remote first and then use the homelink button on the actual opener for the second part.
  10. My dealer spent a week getting me the edge we wanted (had to buy a few options we didn't need/want) but! 0% is worth it... I picked up my bumper cover here... Works awesome and absolutely looks OEM: http://www.amazon.com/Bushwacker-114001-Scion-Bumper-Protector/dp/tech-data/B003CSQQDW
  11. The 3d is pretty neat! Had one 4 years ago for our son. You'll be very surprised how much they resemble the 24 week photo when they first pop out! Best of luck cellbine! My driving habits COMPLETELY changed after having our kids. Took me 30 minutes to get home from the hospital (which is less than 10 minutes from our house) the day we drove home with the first
  12. I think for now, I am going to stick with my OEMS (horrible, I know). I really like the type 2 functionality, but I am not about to start wiring resisitors in just for a turn signal bulb. Besides, I've got my DRL brightlites coming any day now, so plenty of LED goodness in front for me!
  13. Which part was correct? The need of resistors with type 2's or lack of 5k type 1's?
  14. So... Some interesting information. I just sent back my Type 2, 5Ks and VLEDs confirmed that they work no problem (right!?). So I called them back and spoke with a knowledgeable guy (didnt get his name) and we were discussing why they didnt work, blah, blah, blah. I mentioned this forum and this application should work.... VLEDs summary and advice for the Edge is that APPARENTLY the type 1 bulbs do NOT need any modification. If you use a Type 2 bulb, then you will need to use 6 ohm resistors (he went on and on why, but I somewhat tuned it out, once I got his summary) wired to the blinker and ground. My question, does anyone have Type 2's installed with no mods and have them working properly? FYI... He also mentioned that there are no 5K type 1's due to lack of interest.
  15. Just installed mine and only the ambers work. No white lights or DRLs. Weird! Just emailed them and we'll see what happens.
  16. Hello bergen county from former Morris county and now, sadly, Atlantic county....
  17. Really, the options are DIY buying the Philips drl (http://www.amazon.com/Philips-12824WLEDX1-DayLight-Powered-Daytime/dp/B005DX6BKW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1339339965&sr=8-1&keywords=philips+drl+8) yourself and cutting up the oem housing and installling the unit yourself for ~$190 and your own labor. Or you can buy one of DaytimeBrightLites built units (he has 3 options). There are a number of write ups here on how to do it yourself. I did buy one from DTBL (in production now) because I wanted to keep the light bar AND have the Philips LEDs as well (no way I as going to heat and remold the oem light bar myself). Either way, go with the Philips as it is the brightest DRLs available.
  18. You might see my edge, I'm down near ac... Not a very exciting edge on the outside.
  19. Based on Prinzll's description alone, I would assume he is using the morimoto kit: http://www.theretrofitsource.com/product_info.php?products_id=3957
  20. Nope! Sadly, I read it Farm Fresh EVERY time, until your post made me look again I just figured it was some kind of branding genius...
  21. I just installed these. Pricey, but BRIGHT! http://www.v-leds.com/5K-WHITE-19-LED-8W-HIGH-p9507296.html
  22. If you want HIDs, you'll need to do basic (minimal!) wiring. 35W ballasts will simply connect to the OEM wire plug (plug in the bulb > ignighter > ballast) to the HID system. Really VERY, VERY easy to do. The hardest part is getting the OEM bulb out of the headlight and putting in the new one (look at kc300c's youtube video on it). You can have HIDS (any color/temp you want) for as little as ~$50. It will only take 30 minutes or less to wire it up. If you go with the 55W ballasts (which is what I opted for), then you only need a few additional minutes to include a wire harness that connects to your car battery. Very easy as well. Ask any questions you might have and well talk you through it (and convince you to perform another 10 mods or so :shades: ) Yes, the DRLs are the vertical LED light "pipes" in the lower section of the bumper. Even if they were the HID's (a few of my old cars, I had DDM HID's installed and the car utilized the headlights as DRLs), they would still perform fine and last the life of the car (at least mine did).
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