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Everything posted by candurin

  1. The video doesnt go to the proper time. Just go to 12:00 in Dan's video and he clearly points out how to line up tabs for correct install.
  2. I would definitely recommend DaytimeBrightLites for simplicity. But to do it yourself, you need to separate the lens from the housing (xacto or oscillating saw) and use 31mm festoon bulbs, such as http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004ZVZNPM/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i00). Then seal them up. Not difficult, but DaytimeBrightLites offers a simple plug and play solution.
  3. It is "illegal: but I would bet that you wont have any police troubles... I posted this in another thread: That's the difference between retrofitting HIDs into a reflector housing vs a projector housing. Reflectors will blind oncoming traffic, while projectors are designed for a specific cut-off (hid or halogen) which should have zero legal issues. You really can NOT tell what is OEM vs aftermarket with our projector lenses. UNLESS, of course, you go with yellow or very blue/purple temp options.
  4. That's the difference between retrofitting HIDs into a reflector housing vs a projector housing. Reflectors will blind oncoming traffic, while projectors are designed for a specific cut-off (hid or halogen) which should have zero legal issues.
  5. Again, depends on mfg. ddm needed no alteration on the 9006 and on my TRS HIDs I needed to Dremel one tab a bit thinner. Took 40 seconds.
  6. Dan, sorry about that! Prinzll copied this list from another posting of mine (which I gave you a shout out!). And yes, I am also a proud owner of DTBL offset led lights...
  7. 9006 will work. One of the tabs (out of three) will be a little bit larger, but with some careful insertion (yeah, I laughed too) you'll get it in (laughed again). Depending on the manufacturer, some are easier than others.
  8. Just want to make sure we're not confusing the reverse/backup LEDs vs the license plate LEDs. My backup LEDs are pretty bright (no, not dingo HID bright) and the license plate bulbs are decent enough. Besides, in Jersey the last thing we want is BRIGHT license plate bulbs. Po-Pos want to run my plates, there gonna have to work to see 'em
  9. Some good photos and descriptions here: http://www.fordedgeforum.com/index.php?/topic/8434-2011-ford-edge-200-series-remote-start-diy-bb5z-19g364-c/page__p__67358__hl__install#entry67358
  10. I had this happen after I had disconnected my battery when installing my HID bulbs. It stopped after a day or so and the battery charged back up after driving for a few miles. It should return back to normal with no efforts from you.
  11. Swap out the rest of the ddm crap for morimotos and you'll be good to go
  12. I'll simplify this (this is what worked for me) as this is turning into multiple LED thread, rather than just license plate ones. All my lights are 5K (or at least VERY close to it if not stated in the description). Here's what I have installed with ZERO issues (since May 2012)... License Plates: hhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0047RV8WG/ Front Map Lights: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0063JGFRY/ Rear Cargo/Dome/Trunk lights: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0061SHI7I/ Reverse LEDs: http://www.v-leds.com/5K-WHITE-19-LED-8W-HIGH-p9507296.html Puddle Lamps (I did the mod myself): http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004ZVZNPM/ Front Turn Signal Switchback LEDs: http://www.v-leds.com/5K-TYPE-2-DUAL-COLOR-p7114832.html I don't have photos of all the LEDs, but you'll see many other members have installed the same bulbs and did post pics (special thanks to kc300c who gave me the ideas for 92% of my mods!).
  13. Hmm... Did you check the fuse (including the ones in the ford fuse panel near the ebrake pedal) I had no problems, but my harness relay lights up green with my ddm and with my trs kit. Did you call their customer service? They were great for me over the phone and had me up and running in 3 minutes. I think I may have also had to flip around one of the connectors as well... I think the ddm was red and black wires, while the trs harness uses blue and white. I'm not near my car until later this afternoon, but I'll check it out for you (keep in mind I use the trs ballasts and bulbs now).
  14. I'm confused, you want information on the HID kits, but you are also looking into changing your headlights. Isn't that one in the same thing? You want the 9006 style bulbs (there is a single bulb for the high and low beam, as the Edge uses a magnetic shutter to switch between the two). You have two options for clean, white light from HIDs. You can go with 4300K 35W bulbs or 55W 5000K bulbs. I am a fan of the 55W 5000K versions as they are SLIGHTLY (ever so) brighter and offer a more intense white light (the 35W version sits on the edge of warm white, while 55W sits on the edge of cool white). I personally have converted everything over to the TRS Morimoto HID (a bit more $, but well worth it). http://www.theretrofitsource.com/product_info.php?products_id=3957. I had te DDM kits in for while but had some issues. Keep in mind, the 55W will require a harness and the 35W does not (although some users have reported issues with 35W kits that a harness resolved).
  15. On a new car, you will have some of the plasticizer used on the dashboard, panels, etc. give off VOCs from the heat for awhile (some a lot less pleasant than the "new car smell"). If it is from the AC itself, could just be the initial refrigerant giving off a strong odor and should dissipate over time (SHOULD). Have you tried an active charcoal filter to clear out some of the odor? Cant go wrong with this one (I use it... don't know if my opinion matters ): http://www.amazon.com/ATP-FA-14-Premium-Ventilation-Filter/dp/B004A6NBO2
  16. Yup. I had exact setup for awhile. Trs harness with 35w ddm kit.
  17. You can also get the trs harness from eBay a little less directly from trs by making them an offer...
  18. Not to sound like an ass, but did you press the ambient lighting button on your center console? The one that has the shoe and light on it... That button should cycle the colors and on/off. From the 2010 manual: Ambient lighting (if equipped) Illuminates footwells, storage bins and cupholders with a choice of several colors. The ambient lighting control switch is located on the center console. To activate, press and release the control to cycle through the color choices plus the off state. The lights come on whenever the ignition is in either the on or accessory position. Note: The ambient lights will stay on until the ignition is placed in the off position and either of the front doors are opened or the accessory delay timer expires.
  19. Here's the license plate LEDs I'm using: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0047RV8WG/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00 Plenty bright.
  20. Wow... For $250 your dealer wouldnt let you keep something that was alread installed and active? Bit harsh, no?
  21. Why dont folks just simply use Siri to read and respond to texts? Works fine with my MFT...Just uses the Bluetooth connection and MFT thinks your making a call, but it works.
  22. You can buy stick on versions of those blind spot mirrors at most autoparts stores.
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