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Everything posted by candurin

  1. Are you sure the vehicle is equipped with sat? Do you have the roof antenna (I'm not trying to sound like a useless Dell customer service rep, I swear!). The media button should cycle through all the options and SAT will be one, if equipped. Maybe the SAT antenna cable came loose from the rear of the head unit?
  2. You may be able to try and add the long range/bi-directional antenna and see if that helps. Part number is DL3Z-15603-C
  3. Levittown Ford has the 200 series kit (bi-directional, long range with alarm) for $281 (BB5Z-19G364-C). They also have the bi-directional, long range kit without the alarm sensor for $236 (BT4Z-19G364-A). Again, both are the same kit, except the 200 series adds a security/shock sensor/alarm for $45 more. Those will be your best bet as you will get the bi-directional fob and range that you want.
  4. Jordan, I feel your pain. I've been through a number of switchbacks over the years with my Edge. Of all the first half dozen or so that I've tried, only the ones from diode dynamic have lasted (they've been in for a year now). The VLEDs, Amazon, Ebay, superbright, etc. have all failed after a few months (some only a day or so). Yes, the DD ones are pricey, but they've lasted me. The only caveat is that they have popped out of the socket twice and I had to fish them out of the headlight housing. But I put some electrical tape around the socket/bulb junction and they have not budged since. I'm certain you'll find less expensive ones that work, but I bit the bullet and have been happy. Just my $0.02.
  5. It's the same procedure for bi-directional fob. Press starter button on fob at step 3.
  6. Procedure : 1.Close all doors, then open drivers door and press the Unlock button on drivers door while it is open, insert key into ignition. 2.Turn ignition from OFF to RUN 8 times within 8 seconds, with the 8th time ending in RUN. Door locks will cycle to confirm programming mode. (if the door locks do not cycle, then it was done incorrectly. You must start over by removing key and beginning from step 1) (Off is the position where you can remove your key, RUN is the position just shy of starting your car.) 3.Within 10 seconds press any button on the first keyless remote to be programmed. Door locks will cycle to confirm programming. If you only have one remote then skip to step 5. 4.Within 10 seconds, press any button on the second keyless remote. Door locks will cycle again to confirm programming. Repeat step 4. for all other remotes. 5.Turn ignition to OFF. Locks will again cycle to indicate end of programming mode.
  7. Obviously you're upset... You bumped a few threads to post the exact same comment in each of them (one would have sufficed). At 35 degrees, your heated seats should activate.
  8. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/17035-adding-oem-remote-start-kits-parts-explained-detailed-2011/page-1
  9. For that reason, I installed the remote access version. As long as your vehicle is parked in an area with cell reception you have infinite range. I've started my car while it was at the philadelphia airport and I was in Berlin.
  10. That antenna is not an upgrade. That's the short range antenna that's already included with the kit you listed. Yes, you can add the fob and you'll have bi-directional capability. Don't forget the hood switch. You can also save a few $$ if you buy the 200 series kit (which includes the two-way fob): BB5Z-19G364-C Or you can get the version without the alarm/shock sensor; BT4Z-19G364-A
  11. You should be able to see it fairly easily inside the rear LH cargo panel. The 100 series (line of sight) antenna is attached at the TPM sensor in the back of the car. The long range and bi-directional antennae are all installed at the front of the vehicle near the OBDII/vss connector.
  12. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/12772-da8z-19g364-a-remote-start/ I'm feeling a little better (I was correct from my original post). All you need to add is the antenna (100 series) that plugs into the tpms starter module. Yes, Home Depot sells the socketed t50 torx bit, which is where I purchased mine. It was under $10. Some folks have stated that simply unbolting the upper portion of the panel gives you enough room to pull it back and install the antenna. You can always try and see if you have enough room before trying complete removal. To me, it was not difficult to remove the panel entirely (be cautious of the beige grease lining the panel!). You'll have to do some work with lift gate motor but you're still looking at a 30-45 minute job, total.
  13. So, I may have to open my mouth and insert my foot! From what I just read on this forum, it seems as though the 2013 edges that have factory power lift gates may already have everything they need. All you need to provide is a new key fob and hood switch. I was not aware of this! But, it does seem very easy (almost too easy). You can take a quick look under the driver's side rear cargo panel and look and see if the 100 series antenna is there. If not, you'll need to add it. It would be great if all you need is a new fob, switch and IDS activation.
  14. If your car came with the 5 button and hood switch, you likely already have the remote start built in. Maybe I'm misunderstanding (my apologies), but what are you trying to do? If it's just program new IKT's then you can do that yourself.
  15. No worries. I typically deal with Jeff in the service department, but rob and Kevin are also easy to work with. My wife and I both have our cars serviced there so we know most of the folks. But, the hood switch takes seconds to install and the programming is quite easy too. Where are you having problems? Did you install the rest of the system?
  16. Keep it under 140 and you should be fine. State troopers give a little leeway... Having said that, disconnect me terminal and reconnect. Maybe just a "stuck" speedo. Just make sure your battery has enough juice to restart the car.
  17. Which kit are you using? If you read through some of the older posts, you'll find that the lower cost ballasts are prone to firing issues.
  18. Use a headlight restoration kit, available at any auto store.
  19. Keep pressing until the indicator stalk "clicks" into place. That will keep the turn blinker/signal "locked" in, until you finish the turn. If the stalk immediately returns back to center position (and only blinks 3 times), then you didn't press hard enough.
  20. Ford Edge will turn on ac, defroster, heat, seats, etc. I use the cellular remote start in my garage (I also have an app for my garage door opener). I open the garage and start the car and it's ready to go. I also use it when I get back to the airport (I travel a LOT). I start the car when I'm on the shuttle. By the time I get to my car, the temp is perfect and I'm ready to go. Same thing for hotels. I start my car from my room and by the time I get to the car, everything is comfortable. Again, it's all in the eye of the beholder.
  21. I have the smartphone app on my phone: I got the entire cellular setup on eBay for cheap. The $39 annual fee isn't bad (ok, solely my opinion). I like that I can start my phone from anywhere and I also get texts and emails of the shock sensor or an open door triggers my alarm. Just my $0.02.
  22. I've had these for quite some time now: http://www.ebay.com/itm/351261924649 Had them cut at lowes for free and they work perfectly. I've got a post in this forum that walks you through programming the key and fob yourself. Look and work exactly like OEM. I should add these are for 2011-2014. Does the 2015 edge use a new fancy key? I can't see which model year the OP is referring to on the mobile site.
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