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Everything posted by candurin

  1. So, all you need to do is load the as built data onto the new APIM and your good to go? In which case, you can get your car specific as built file here: https://www.motorcraftservice.com/AsBuilt
  2. Check the ground (if your kit has one) and make sure all connections are tight. Maybe even check and make sure all plugs are secure and correct polarity. My TRS kit had some similar symptoms when I first installed. Haven't had any issues since I rechecked, tightened, etc. It's been 5 years and have only ever used Auto setting.
  3. What brand and wattage? Some owners have had luck with capacitors added to the kits to give that initial boost. Did you check polarity of the plugs, switch ballasts, etc? Here's some food for thought: http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/9188-automatic-lights-not-working-with-hid-kit/
  4. The optimal size is 800×384. Not sure if "any" picture will be optimal (stretching, clipping, etc). If your photoshop skills are novice, you should be good to go. Or, just google search "800×384 wallpaper" under images and you'll get a LOT of options. Here's another good source: https://www.f150forum.com/f118/2015-mft-wallpaper-290489/
  5. It's not VITAL. The website just needs to verify that you did in fact install 2.2 (it looks for a confirmation file written to the USB drive from the sync system). Considering that 2.3 and 3.0 are available as dealer installs, it's obvious how not vital it is.
  6. That scratch on the screen, though... Still, good price for the entire kit. It's not obvious in your auction, but, how do you ascertain if the screen is -sa, -sb or -sc? I don't see it on any of your photos.
  7. Edit: never mind. Dumb question.
  8. All Ford Edges (all generations) use 921/T15 wedge bulbs for the reverse lights.
  9. Don't expect miracles, but these are pretty damn bright and light up my driveway when backing up: https://www.diodedynamics.com/store/led-bulbs/listed-by-vehicle/ford/edge/2007-2013-ford-edge-backup-leds There's also these: http://www.morimotohid.com/led-lighting/921-t15-morimoto-xb-led.html Back in the day, Dingo, had some home made (bastardized) HID kit that he put in his reverse lights. They put out a LOT of light. They probably have plug and play kits nowadays for this purpose. The link for his photo demonstrating the light pattern is no longer working (http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/10298-added-led-reverse-bulbs-today/page-2) Having said all that, the lenses for the reverse bulbs are not ideal, so I think Enigma gave you a decent head start as well.
  10. You get the kumhos mounted yet?
  11. If I recall from my test drive, it's on the passenger's side of the cargo area in front of the cubby/bin. Are your rear dome lights turned off? Does the light not come on when you open the trunk or door? What about when unlocking your car with the fob?
  12. From all the sync 2 > 3 write ups that I've read, they removed the old sync 2 bracket and re-used it for the sync 3 install.
  13. Sync 2.0 supports Apple lossless files (my iPod, yes iPod, is filled with them). If I recall FLAC worked from my thumb drive as well. I would expect 3.0 to support the same.
  14. In a pinch, I once put nitrox (36%) from my scuba tank into one of my tires. Went a LOT faster... Damn near blew out the other three "normal" air tires.
  15. Same... original 55w TRS Morimoto kit I installed the day I drive the car home. 5 years later and have never had to change a bulb, ballast nor wire.
  16. Wait, you purchased a 2016 APIM? Was it sync 3 or sync 2?
  17. As long as it is a sync 2 MFT APIM, you're good.
  18. Ah. Got it. Yes, as long as you have the as built data and forscan, you can use any 2011-2014 apim
  19. Which of the 8 submissions would you prefer a response to?
  20. Why do you need to swap? You can use forscan to simply turn on navigation with your existing apim.
  21. Wow! I do seem to recall that mine took awhile longer (maybe 1.5-2 hours). Six hours is staggering! I was told mine took longer because they had never turned on remote start via IDS before and I was also the first customer there using the smartphone remote access. They did throw me a free oil change for the delay. I suppose you should get a free maintenance visit!
  22. Yes you can... http://carlite.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Acoustic-applications_Ford_JAN_2015.pdf
  23. Interesting. Curious as to how they got a windshield stamped with an engineering number. But glad you got it squared away.
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