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Everything posted by candurin

  1. Navigation is built into the APIM with SYNC 3. No worries with upgrading. You can buy from Sweden or a number of US resellers. You can also buy any apim with Nav on eBay and program yourself.
  2. Maybe change 213F to 223F? APIM year shouldn't matter. Mine is from 2017 as well.
  3. I just installed and programmed my replacement system. With my program, I do NOT show heated steering wheel.
  4. Second google result: "So... all you do is: SIMULTANEOUSLY (at the same exact time) press the Scan Forward button (>>) and the CENTER power button (audio system power) and HOLD them in for a little more than 10 seconds. The screen will go black. RELEASE the buttons at the black screen. System will then reboot." This can be done while driving (at your own risk, please pull over while doing this!).
  5. This would be much easier if you stuck to one thread... I answered you in another post.
  6. That BCM block is for the 12v power ports/points, NOT the USB. Changing the values in APIM blue back 7D0-01-01 will leave the stereo on after you turn off the car for a longer period (which, in turn, controls the USB power). But, it's a moot point if you open the door. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uDSQ1Z5a2Wt8-kjrSiVSlDFGFHnfeuhb3RTMVz95730/htmlview# If money is no object, buy this OBD tool: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006NZTZLQ If you want HS/MS and money is an issue: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01F0GVBWY I use this one. It gives me access to all the modules I need to access: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005NLQAHS
  7. You could also do this with Forscan (changing the value found at BCM 07-39-01).
  8. You've pretty much posted the same topic in multiple threads (this one being posted 1 minute after you posted in your other thread)... This post seems to be rhetorical. I assumed that you were satisfied and ready to move on based on your post in this (very similar) thread: http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/23291-make-usbs-power-stay-on-after-vehicle-turns-off/?do=findComment&comment=176501 You basically want to keep your phone charging 24/7 in your car that isn't running.. Make sure to keep a battery jump start back in your trunk.
  9. Was jus about to say that. Both iPhone 8 and X utilize Qi wireless charging as well as standard charging via lighting port. No issues with CarPlay.
  10. BT4Z-14450-AA positive terminal clamp BT4Z-14450-BA negative terminal clamp
  11. You'll need to enable hood switch function via IDS (at the dealer) or you can do so via forscan.
  12. I'll check once I get my replacement APIM (I had to put my sync 2 back in temporarily). But, i never had heated steering wheel is played with my program.
  13. Can anyone post a service manual description or explain how to access the space above the instrument cluster (where the stock GPS module is mounted)? Just want to know where the clips and or bolts are (usually 7mm, I think). I'd appreciate it! Thanks.
  14. I wasn't. Using Waze on the phone, while being connected to CarPlay (separate). I think the issue is that, apparently I have a EU based APIM (awesome, ebay). I've got a new apim coming and it should sort it out. Either way, really enjoying SYNC 3.
  15. I tweaked the program just a bit and in the process, discovered a few things: 7D0-01-01 222X 0002 6Y0D - if you change the X to a 1, the steering controls work. If you change the Y to a 2, you get two heated seat levels) 7D0-01-02 008B* 0204 021F *028B w/NAV 7D0-02-01 5753 0X04 0086 (Changing the X changes the splash screen, e.g. GT, RS, ST, GT350, Raptor, etc.) 7D0-02-02 0200 8804 40DB 7D0-02-03 0005 DC 7D0-03-01 014E 3502 00DD 7D0-04-01 0103 0300 09E2 7D0-04-02 0001 DE 7D0-05-01 1BA3 1B9B 2B7C 7D0-05-02 C5A3 7D0-06-01 009E 7D0-07-01 0800 3300 001A 7D0-07-02 0000 186A 0062 7D0-07-03 0056 5686 0013 7D0-07-04 7052 again, use the F150 database I linked.
  16. Just curious for those of you using CarPlay with SYNC 3. If you connect to the CarPlay and use Waze or other GPS based app, are you noticing the speed is much different from the speedometer? Trying to figure out if I am the only one with this issue (perhaps not as I do see a youtube video and mention of a similar issue in a Subaru forum).
  17. I have two levels (which is my factory "sync 2" setting). When first playing around, I had three set points (only two worked). When I put my OEM asbuilt data in, it went to two levels again. IPC navigation is still there but not using it. I disabled navigation using forscan (the apim I purchased has EU maps and until I can figure out how to get US maps on it, I disabled it). The only thing I wish I sill had was access to USB devices on the IPC. Those have seem to have disappeared..
  18. And if it helps, here's what my program looks like (again, make note of 7D0-07-03 which is where your Tire size effects the speedometer): BCE Module APIM 7D0-01-01 222A 0402 610D 7D0-01-02 028B 0004 021F 7D0-02-01 5753 0504 0086 7D0-02-02 0240 8000 00DB 7D0-02-03 0005 DC 7D0-03-01 0000 3502 00DD 7D0-04-01 0103 0200 09E2 7D0-04-02 0001 DE 7D0-05-01 1BA3 1B9B 2B7C 7D0-05-02 C5A3 7D0-06-01 C09E 7D0-07-01 0800 3300 001A 7D0-07-02 0000 186A 0062 7D0-07-03 0056 5686 0013 7D0-07-04 7052
  19. The wheel configuration can be configured in the BCM to adjust the speedometer using forscan. As far as the tire physically fitting, that's another story.
  20. And done... programming was a lot easier than I thought. I'll add some pictures and programming steps when I have some time to sit at my desk and do so. Programming was a mix of taking my as built data and taking some from a similarly built 2017 edge (basically everything from 7D0-04-01 onwards is from a new car). When I first did the programming, my speedo was way off! Fixed by adding whee ticks and tire size from a 2017 with 20" wheels. Enjoying car play, although I'm sure I'ld like android auto even more (Waze!). Edit: Use this document to explain what values you need to change in for scan: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uDSQ1Z5a2Wt8-kjrSiVSlDFGFHnfeuhb3RTMVz95730/edit#gid=815852466 Use this site to find your existing vehicle (use VIN number) asbuilt data file *.ab): https://www.motorcraftservice.com/asbuilt When using forscan, enter in all the values for 7D0-01-01 through 7D0-04-02 using your current vehicle asbuilt data (they are all factory values for the SYNC 2 system in your car). Some of these values will be changed using the information found within the F150 (no, it's not specific to that model) document I linked to in order to make your car's SYNC 2 APIM profile more in line with the SYNC 3 requirements (it will make sense when you look at the excel sheet under the APIM tab). The entries you put in for APIM programming under blocks 7D0-05-01 - 7D0-07-04 will have come from a 2016 or 2017 edge (whichever car you choose make sure it has SYNC 3) as the SYNC 2 system did not use these blocks (SYNC 2 stopped at 7D0-04-02). All I did was google 2017 edge for sale and went to any site that let me use filters to find a 2017 edge that was similarly equipped as my 2012. Then I copied that VIN number at the Asbuilt site and put those exact numbers in forscan. Make sure the 2017 you pick has the same size tire as your car or else the speedo will be off. All in all, it was easy to do! Feel free to ask any questions.
  21. Sorry to hear about all the trouble (and I can sympathize with getting two kids off to school!). I just so happen to have a full sync system in the classifieds section (http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/23190-fs-sync-2-v38-all-components/?do=findComment&comment=175610). I didn't want to part it out, but if it helps, I'll offer it up as separate components. Works perfectly and won't be anywhere near $600!
  22. When you say "upgrading" are you referring to just the Maps? Yes, you will swap out your current A"X" SD card for a more recent one. A8 is the latest maps. Simple as that.
  23. Selling the following (everything is in perfect condition): 1. SYNC 2 MFT 8" Screen (w/screen protector, on since day 1) 2. APIM - Programmed with NAV (licensed, not PNG hack method). Firmware version 3.8. 3. Center console Media hub (USB, analog inputs, SD input) 4. A7 maps on SD card $300 (o.b.o.) for the whole package.
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