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Everything posted by candurin

  1. Actually, LEDs can be thrown extremely far, with the proper projectors/optics. I believe the issue is quite the opposite. When retrofitting LEDs into the halogen projectors you get more distance light and less usable light immediately on the foreground. You lose that illumination right in front of the car, where you want it most.
  2. You can call Sirius and tell them you have a factory replacement touch screen and would like to add travel link. You may not even have to explain anything, just ask that the service Is added to your account: It's the ACM (the part of the radio with the CD player) that houses your Sirius info, not the APIM. Many people have been able to have travel link and related services activated that way.
  3. 9 out of 10 cab drivers approve: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B017WFF1OA
  4. As I'm beginning to really laugh about this thread. My wife hits the step to the landing again. As she backs up, she SOMEHOW knocks over the hacker-pschorr oktoberfest keg I had inside an ice bucket for our fall beer tasting tomorrow... Instantly this thread is more sad than funny.
  5. Thanks Claude... good point. I'll keep them in tact for the winter.
  6. I should be able to take the TPMS and tires directly from my existing wheels and have it all transferred over, correct?
  7. That there is one fancy tennis ball... Can't confirm nor debate, but, my wife may (or may not) have hit shelves, side of the attic landing, or workbench in our garage. I always back in...
  8. It accesses all the modules that one would need to do any of the major programming changes. I need to fix my links, I think. But this is the one I am referring too: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005NLQAHS Omar, it can NOT do MS-CAN, but I've never needed to work with those additional modules (FCIM, RTM, etc.) Here's a link to the different modules accessed via MS-CAN (credit to Dan in the fusion forum): http://s1057.photobucket.com/user/DanMc85/media/FORScan/FORScan%20Module%20List_zpsm56mtshz.png.html
  9. I used a MacBook to do all the programming. You'll just need to be able to load into windows via parallels, VMWare or boot camp. iPhone won't be needed at all.
  10. I'd be glad to help you with the programming... As far as OBD devices: If money is no object, buy this OBD tool: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B006NZTZLQ If you want HS/MS and money is an issue: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01F0GVBWY I use this one. It gives me access to all the modules I need to access: https://www.amazon.c...duct/B005NLQAHS Edited: fixed links
  11. Just looking to change my OEM 20" wheels to these: https://www.tirerack.com/wheels/WheelCloseUpServlet?target=runWheelSearch&initialPartNumber=5052856540B&wheelMake=Enkei%20Performance&wheelModel=ONX&wheelFinish=Black%20Painted&showRear=no&autoMake=Ford&autoModel=Edge+SEL&autoYear=2012&autoModClar=AWD#survey Any reason these wouldn't fit or be a poor choice (quality-wise)? I believe my factory wheels are 43mm offset and 20 x 8.5. Not sure if spacers are needed. In 25+ years behind the wheel, I've never gone aftermarket wheels!
  12. It's easy enough to do. If your comfortable with a computer (really easy). Dealer won't mess with it if you went and got a 3rd party APIM. Not too mention you can do it alone for $30 (cost of Bluetooth or USB OBS MX adapter) on amazon.
  13. For any of you that have upgraded the usb module to the CarPlay compatible one.... Do you all still have USB devices, BT stereo, iPad, etc, listed as devices under "entertainment" in the instrument panel cluster to the right of the steering wheel? If I put in my ipad (yup, still have one), it shows up on sync 3 and the information is displayed in the IPC, however, it does not show up as a connected device (only Sirius, am/fm and CD).
  14. You'll have to make changes to the IPC module (block 720-02-01) settings in forscan to add navigation to the right hand cluster. Do you not even have "compass" listed?
  15. It was done quite some time ago: http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/10529-frontviewcamera-on-a-2011-ford-edge-sport-on-mft
  16. FYI, version 3.0 (build 17276) is available. http://www.mustang6g.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41251 Just installed on mine and running smoothly. YMMV as this is NOT an official ford release (it is a compilation made by developers using official ford API files). I have no problem trying out builds as you can always roll back to the official v2.2 ford release. That and my Sync 3 isn't exactly "official" either!
  17. just in time for the next vehicle in many cases. And yes, it seems as though map updates will not be handled via WiFi, only USB. Thanks, Enigma.
  18. Looks like ford has soemthing in the works for Sync3 Nav updates: https://why-update-ford.azurewebsites.net/index.html
  19. Ugh... I wish I could jailbreak my 7 (10.3.1). Not sure why you can't dial in the seats setting. What's your OEM heating/cooling options?
  20. Here's a good list of mods (they're not specific to F150s, despite the title): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uDSQ1Z5a2Wt8-kjrSiVSlDFGFHnfeuhb3RTMVz95730/edit#gid=815852466
  21. The sync 2 platform had annual updates (A6, A7, A8, etc.) via SD card. For some odd reason they have not made any map updates on the sync 3 platform, which would be delivered via USB or WiFi.
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