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Everything posted by candurin

  1. Here's the service manual diagrams. It was really easy and took me 20 minutes to do so. GPSM_Edge_2011-2014.pdf IPC Removal_Edge_2011-2014.pdf
  2. It would seem so. The fusion forum link I posted in this thread goes through the necessary steps. But yes, you just attach the wires from the APIM.
  3. Understandably, on this forum, we have an appreciation for Mac and what he offers up (voluntarily) for forum members. It may be how you completely dismissed the usefulness of the comparison and referred to his videos as bad is what set us off. I can appreciate your opinion, but, your delivery was complete shit. When you called his videos equally bad it was, in essence, a character remark as his videos are mostly his character with a lot of information mixed in. I wouldnt dump on someone who offers free help and tutorials. If one of his videos were not useful to you, then you could simply opt not to utilize the info.
  4. I just took more pictures for you. Was going to post when I was back at my hotel. But, it is without a doubt the -DA.
  5. That comment was out of left field. I really enjoy his videos and most are bookmarked as my own service guides.
  6. I stared at my photo for awhile, it absolutely looks likes like this one: 9U2Z-14S411-DA And if you here, youll see that theres also a pin out for the same pigtail: http://www.2gfusions.net/showthread.php?tid=4050&pid=114421#pid114421 Its definitely NOT 9U2Z-14S411-ZA
  7. I wish I could post a picture from my phone! Ive got one of the actual connector for my OEM sync 2/MFT media hub. I can get it posted for you tomorrow.
  8. I know the sync 2 > sync 3 pigtail is CU2Z-14S411-AA (WPT-1239) but not sure that helps. Have you checked here: http://www.paulmachenry.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Motorcraft-Pig-Tail-Catalog-2013.pdf
  9. Ugh... so torn now. Im debating on throwing blizzaks on my OEM 20 wheels and then throwing either the LTX or Dueler LE 2s on my new enkei 20s and keeping them tucked away for after the winter. Now Im debating on just getting the LTXs on the new wheels and keeping them clean, year round.
  10. Have a look here: http://www.2gfusions.net/showthread.php?tid=4050 Or, this may be another (albeit very pricey) option: https://www.4dtech.com/4-to-8-pnp-conversion-harness-for-sync-2-3/(it should work on the edge, no problem). You may even be able to buy just the harness from here: https://www.infotainment.com/collections/all/products/4-myford-to-8-myford-touch-custom-upgrade
  11. Yes. A FORD remote start is defaulted to an admin key. You can program it as a MyKey, if you want.
  12. That explains why theyre adding Waze to CarPlay.
  13. Once you install the aerial (yes, its the drivers side rear panel in the cargo area) into the TPMS you can then enable it in FORScan (or have your dealer do it in IDS). If you want long range, bi-directional or remote access then you will need to buy the VSS box and connect that (y adapter) in-line with your OBD port. As the TPMS based remote start is only line of site (100 or so), a security system isnt needed (Fords logic, not mine). For the other options, it is. This thread should help you sort it out: http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/17035-adding-oem-remote-start-kits-parts-explained-detailed-2011/page-1
  14. Yes, at a minimum you need the aerial antenna (100 series) plugged into the TPMS. Then the options will show up in IDS or FORScan (BdyBCM). For some reason I cannot link directly to the instructions, but google 2011_2015_Scalable_Kit_Truck_1_23_2015_.pdf" and youll see the file on the Levittown site. Look on page 66 for TPMS requirement if your car didnt have factory remote start.
  15. I thought that was a Toyota (vaguely remember coming across it)
  16. This update is more for iOS and CarLink. Android had this functionality already.
  17. So, I have to make a correction. Waze app itself has not been updated for CarPlay compatibility yet. This will be coming in March. Sorry for an inconvenience! Your SYNC version will need to be 3.0 or higher. The latest version (as of now) is v2.3 over WiFi. So it seems as though FORD and Waze both needs to issue updates, which are expected within two months.
  18. You want to add navigation to a radio that already has it? If you dont have OEM navigation and want to add it, this may be your best bet: https://www.infotainment.com/collections/all/products/2007-2008-ford-edge-gps-navigation-radio Of corse, you can probably scour other websites, ebay or local junkyards for a deal.
  19. Try this for the FOB programming: Procedure : 1.Close all doors, then open drivers door and press the Unlock button on drivers door while it is open, insert key into ignition. 2.Turn ignition from OFF to RUN 8 times within 8 seconds, with the 8th time ending in RUN. Door locks will cycle to confirm programming mode. (if the door locks do not cycle, then it was done incorrectly. You must start over by removing key and beginning from step 1) (Off is the position where you can remove your key, RUN is the position just shy of starting your car.) 3.Within 10 seconds press any button on the first keyless remote to be programmed. Door locks will cycle to confirm programming. If you only have one remote then skip to step 5. 4.Within 10 seconds, press any button on the second keyless remote. Door locks will cycle again to confirm programming. Repeat step 4. for all other remotes. 5.Turn ignition to OFF. Locks will again cycle to indicate end of programming mode.
  20. https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedia/fna/us/en/news/2018/01/10/waze-brings-community-based-traffic-and-navigation-app-to-ford-v.html# https://blog.waze.com/2018/01/more-waze-on-your-cars-big-screen-with.html?m=1 Looks as though 2016 and 2017 MY owners may have to upgrade via one of the developer made 3.0 packages floating around the web (Ive been using one with zero issues).
  21. Yes, you want the 2.3.12 beta (its always in beta) for windows. Then follow the instructions for requesting a license via the forum. You can do quite a bit with forscan. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/23250-comprehensive-list-of-possible-forscan-mods/page-3?do=findComment&comment=178956
  22. What is PTS? http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/17035-adding-oem-remote-start-kits-parts-explained-detailed-2011/page-1 Yes, you need to add the VSS at the OBD port to use remote access. Your factory remote start uses the "100 series" RMST antenna that is connected to the TPMS in the rear of the car. In order to add remote access you need the VSS box, which gets connected to the OBD connector up front). The remote access kit is basically just the SIM card device that allows you to use app on your phone instead of an IKT or long range fob (its also $50/year for the app access). You can also start your car from any laptop, tablet etc. using a web browser with the remote access (https://my.fordremoteaccess.com/home). Before late 2013, the VSS was connected in the back at the TPMS (the actual VSS box itself, part number ended in "-AA"). Afterwards Ford changed the VSS box to be connected at the OBD in the front (VSS part number ended in "-AB"). If you can still find the older VSS/RMST box that connected at the rear TPMS (part number is DL3J-19G367-AA) it will work fine for your Edge. It seems as though they're no longer around and you'll have to go with the OBD connected VSS, part number DT4Z-19A361-A. Here's the installation instructions (starting on page 55 for the Edge): http://www.levittownfordparts.com/docs/2011_2015_Scalable_Kit_Truck_1_23_2015_.pdf (not sure why this link isn't working, but if you google "2011_2015_Scalable_Kit_Truck_1_23_2015_.pdf" it will be the first result). I hope my ramblings made sense. Basically, back in the day the VSS was connected in the back of the car, now it's connected in the front. The box hasn't changed at all, just where it is connected.
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