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About ShirleyTermer-Marquis

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  1. i love my awesome daughters Heath Er, Katie Blackmon, and taylor marquis..

  2. I bought a brand new 2010 Ford Edge SEL AWD and have had nothing but problems with it since I bought it not even a year ago. It now only has around 9200 miles on it. I have had it where the instrument cluster wouldn't work or even illuminate so you couldn't tell how fast you were going. None of the dials on the dash would work and this was sporadic. One time it would work and another time it wouldn't. So I had taken it into the dealership to get looked at and everything was working just fine. They told me that I needed to bring it in while the instrument cluster was malfunctioning to be able to read a code off of it. So I drove it back home and they told me to just call them and bring it in again without an appointment so that way they could see it when it wasn't working. So I had taken it in again and had to drive using my GPS to determine my speed as I didn't know how fast I was going as none of the dials were working. Upon receiving back at the dealership again they were able to get some codes off of it and realize that the cluster needed to be replaced. So I had to leave my vehicle there to be fixed while they gave me a loaner to use until mine was ready. So I picked my vehicle up and everything seemed to work fine. Not long after the cluster went bad, but I was driving to see my sick in-laws in Pennsylvania and I left my house with 3/4 tank of gas and we had been traveling for 2-3 hours and I happened to look over to see if we needed gas when I saw the fuel gauge needle to be on full. Now mind you we had not stopped to get gasoline, yet along the way is when my husband and I noticed that the fuel gauge needle was fluctuating and erratic quite regularly. We stopped and got fuel as we were unsure of how much fuel we really had in the vehicle. So we finished up our trip in Pennsylvania. On our way home we had called the salesman and informed him the problem we were experiencing on the trip there and on the way back. He informed us to call and make an appointment to bring it in to get looked at. The next morning I called the dealership and informed them of the problem they told me to bring my vehicle in. So I brought my vehicle in and they were unable to verify the fluctuating of the needle but they did scan for code and it did spit out 4 different codes. They indicated that the codes will not clear. They had to manually configure cluster vehicle using as being reset to factory settings. So I thought I was in the clear and that everything was fine when I went to go pick my daughter up from a friend's house and using my handheld car door clicker to open up my vehicle but there was nothing it was "STONE DEAD." There was no power what so ever. I called Roadside Assistance as my vehicle was covered by this and eventually after a long delay the next day they were out and had someone come and jump start my vehicle. The vehicle started up without any issues. Then again I was to take my daughter to go and pick up some supplies for a school project when I had the same problem. I went to open my doors and nothing, NO POWER, IT WAS STONE DEAD. I WAS PISSED. I called a number for corporate customer service and they were looking into buying my vehicle back or giving me an exchange. After I spoke with the service man at the dealership and referred the information to the corporate customer service he indicated that my claim for a buy back is negate due to the fact that once in awhile I may not drive my vehicle for a couple of weeks. I have spoken with many people and they just laugh when they heard that's what Ford had told me. I said to them what if I went on vacation and left my vehicle at the airport for 2-3 weeks would I have to worry about coming back and my vehicle won't start. That is a bunch of bull. SO YES I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM AS YOU AND UNLESS WE STAND UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT FORD WILL GET AWAY WITH IT. I didn't pay around $31,000 for my Edge to have to worry about it. Anyone have any ideas on what we can do about these problems???????????????
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