From what I've seen, that looks about right. So I think we've determined that the mirror style of the 2012 and later 2011s is the same. Now the question is whether a mirror from a 2012 with more features (ie the memory thing) can be hooked up to a 2011 with fewer features (only missing the memory thing). As I mentioned, I imagine that the only difference is the number of pins to worry about. So it's a question of whether Ford keeps the pinouts basically the same between the different trim packages or changes them drastically. My basic plan is to just hook up the connections I have to the corresponding connections on the new mirror and leave the memory port open. I can rearrange wires inside the Molex connector if need be to account for changed pin numbers. Does anyone have a good idea of how to determine which pin does what? My best idea at this point is just to put a voltmeter across the various pins and push buttons until I figure out what they do.