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Everything posted by normcloutier

  1. I had the EXACT same problem on my 2013 AWD except mine pulled to the right. I have the 20" chrome clad wheels. Vehicle would pull slightly to the right most of the time. Occasionally would pull hard right (change a complete lane in about 5 car lengths). Took it into dealer for 2 different alignments before I had the service manager finally come for a ride. They did some testing while rotating tires to different locations and deemed it to be a faulty tire. They ordered a new tire. Seemed better. Then I had the 10k tire rotation. Now it pulls to the left. I gave up.
  2. When should you follow the "change oil every 3 months" instead of the "or 5000 km"? I had the oil on my 2013 changed at the 5k and 10k mark. Odometer now reads 12500k and oil life shows 80% but I am nearing the date on the sticker. Is the date for extreme situations where the vehicle would idle all day? I use the remote start at least 2 or 3 times a day so the engine is running but no mileage is being added. How accurate is the "oil life"? Is it there for people who just forget to change the oil?
  3. Dingo for Pope. Could use an Edge for the pope mobile!
  4. Anyone have text notification on MFT working with iphone 5 with OS6?
  5. So it worked on an iPhone 5 with OS 5? I really want to move to iPhone from BB but this may be a deal breaker as well as you can't push imap email to iPhone.
  6. Is anyone using the new Blackberry Z10 with MFT? What about OS6 on iPhone? I am currently using a BB9900 and have had issues with receiving text messages. I have had to downgrade the OS in order to receive texts on MFT. I will be changing to either the Z10 or iPhone and want to make sure the newest OS are compatible.
  7. I ended up just using vinegar in a spray bottle. I took one wheel off at a time and put it on a table to make it easier to work on. Sprayed the wheel with pure white vinegar and let it soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Took a toothbrush and lightly scrubbed the entire wheel before rinsing. Water spots came right off
  8. Seeing as many of you have sirius radio and I'm sure some of you listen to the Morning Mash Up on the Hits 1 Channel (ch 2), I thought I would mention that I was picked today for their Facebook Fan of the day. Was interesting having them talk about me on air even if Stan butchered my last name and city.
  9. I would like to see 3 settings for the heated seats. With the existing 2, high is too hot and low is too cool
  10. Well, I have them about 60% clean. After trying a few of my wife's suggestions, we have come to the conclusion that the spots are about 3 layers of hard water spots. The car wash I go to is only 3 blocks from the heated bay at my work. I wash the vehicle and then quickly drive over to park it inside to dry it. By the time I get there the wheels are usually dry so I don't wipe them. Once I regain my strength (3 hours of scrubbing) I'll go back and try to get the rest of the spotting off. A paste of baking soda and water as a scrub/polish seems to work. Still will need lots of scrubbing. Certainly won't let them get like this again.
  11. I'm in Saskatchewan. When I went to the car wash today, I even used Super Clean degreaser which takes everything off of anything and that didn't touch it. Guess I'm scrubbing til Wednesday. Definitely won't let the wheels get like this again.
  12. So after a prolonged cold spell, I decided to wash my Edge. I took it to a wand wash and got everything clean except the wheels. I noticed they were very spotty after I finished drying. I went back the next day to the car wash and re cleaned them with wheel cleaner but still spotty. Today, I parked the Edge in my shop and started scrubbing wheels by hand. After 10 minutes, I have half of one spoke clean. I have no idea what is on these wheels but there has to be a better way to clean them. Is this spotting from road salt? The wheels covers are plastic so I'm not sure what would cause this. Any ideas on a cleaner available in Canada would help otherwise I'll be here til Wednesday.
  13. How do these fasteners that hold the bottom of the bumper skirt come off? Does the center pin pry out and then the fastener comes out?
  14. My lamps have different tabs than what you show. Is your diagram from a HIR2/9012 lamp? The tabs on my OEM and HID lamps are identical. I re-installed the HID lamp exactly like the OEM. There is no chance to misalign it as the tabs would not fit. You would literally have to "put a square peg in a round hole". I just had a look at the HID lamps and the wires are not exactly in the same location on the lamp. When I re-install them, I'll swap them sides. That may help. Will put the shadow to the outside of the beam. The puddle lights are awesome. The color matches my license plate and interior LED color perfectly. I purposely unlock my doors from afar in a parking lot so that they light up the snow. People really notice them.
  15. New NAV SD card is availabe at no charge from syncmyride.com
  16. Radio presets remain. All NAV info is gone. Phone needs to be paired again.
  17. I have a BB 9900. The text to speech was always intermittent but this latest update seems stable (knock on wood). I did not have to do any resets. The update does a master reset at the start and then a reboot near the end. Total time about 50 minutes.
  18. Did the update this morning. Took about 50 minutes. So far so good. MFT finally receives and reads my texts again. Was pretty impressed with how quickly the new NAV SD card was shipped. Left Memphis at 10 PM at night and I had it at my door in Canada at 2 PM the next day.
  19. Just ordered my new sd card. Hopefully the 3 year old subdivision will be on the new maps.
  20. I purchased my kit from absolutehid.ca and so far so good. The ballasts are canbus and work with the DRL reduced voltage during the day. I haven't permanently mounted the ballasts yet. I was waiting to see how they perform before mounting them. I went with a 35 watt kit. I didn't want to deal with the harness. The kit comes with HIR2/9012 lamps so they just popped right in. I am pleased with the kit so far. Not a single flicker or fail to light. Only thing I noticed is a slight wire shadow on the passenger side beam. The tabs on the lamp are all different sizes so I don't think I can rotate them. I'll get my inspection scope out to look at the back of the socket and see if the female slots are all different like the bulb. I can't comment on the company yet because it's been too short of a time.
  21. You can't get the socket out of the housing or the bulb out of the socket? The socket twists out of the housing. 1/4 turn and it will pop right out.
  22. There was a post a couple months ago about a member in Ontario having that function programmed by an independant shop. He had the turn lamps set as DRL. I'm not sure what year his Edge was. I see by Waldo's response that one of the options is fog lamps. With the newer edges having the light pipes, maybe the option to change it is no longer avaiable. I was told by my dealer that they could not do it and that it could only be changed at factory.
  23. Have you checked any other dealers in the area? Might be worth a drive. I had an easy choice. My dealer gave me a 2012 Edge to test drive for the weekend with the colours I wanted before I ordered my 2013. Only thing I didn't realize when I ordered the black exterior was that it's metallic on the 13. Picked up my edge on a cloudy day so didn't really notice until the next sunny day.
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