So to update my saga, No flatbed ever arrived yesterday and after several calls to Ford Roadside Assistance I was finally connected to the private contractor towing service. They told me they would send a wrecker over to jump start the battery. After I explained that it was much more than a dead battery and that the dealer wanted the vehicle, the woman on the other end of the phone says "Yeah, well jump start your car, and you can drive it to the dealer yourself". The wrecker came and after 44 minutes connected to the tow truck my edge finally started. (Not before lots of reboots, flickering screens, etc) I made sure to let ford know this just in case i run into a fried electrical system (From this jump start) down the road.
I guess this kind of took the bloom off the rose for me.... Plus Ford didn't impress with their choice of towing companies to work for them. It would serve Ford well to screen these companies better. Im sure someone will jump in and tell me that its not Fords fault that they have lousy tow contractors, but this experience overall just shows that customer service and going the extra mile for customers, even on big ticket items is a thing of the past. Although, my wifes Roadside assistance from Lexus was top notch when we had to use it, so come to think of it, maybe it is Ford.:angry:
Dealership called and said, we dont know why your edge died. (I told them why, but why would they trust that a customer has more figured out then the service manager?) But the battery is holding a charge and you can come pick up your junk, i mean your truck.