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Everything posted by Edgieguy

  1. MFT Nighlight problem maybe? It killed my battery. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/index.php?/topic/6100-myford-touch-nightlight/page__p__48233__hl__nightlight__fromsearch__1#entry48233
  2. I have the hitch from my 2008. The bolt holes line up, but i'll need a 3/4" inch spacer to be made. I made a template of the face of the hitch and will have it cut out of aluminum plate. When its done Ill post a picture, but i don't expect to get this until springtime when it warms up.
  3. Welcome aboard! And congrats on the new ride! search around the forum because I seem to remember reading how to activate the temp reading quickly.
  4. I was looking at our 2011's rear bumper and it looks identical to our 2008's so Id say yes. About all that changed was the shape of the lower bumper cover.
  5. I heard White ones are better in the snow though... Red one looks great! Merry Christmas!
  6. Lets have some fun folks. Vote away, Whats your favorite Ambient Lighting Color? Whats the color of your Exterior? What % do you have your color set at? Obviously, I have a White Platinum Sport. I tried a few colors but I found the Royal Blue went best with the White Exterior for me, I also have the color 100% Up.
  7. I actually just played around with the paddles the other night. I wanted to wait until I had the engine broken in a little (1300 mi). Theyre very responsive and they hold the gear you put the car in. I was impressed and it was pretty fun. I wont be using them on every commute, but i can see the fun in pulling the paddle and slamming the pedal to pass a slow moving truck.
  8. ^ Thanks for the update! looks like Ill be in touch with my dealer soon as well.
  9. My Dealer wanted $700. I declined. Ill call my insurance Co. and ask how they work it.
  10. Checked my SYNC profile and saw that nothing changed so nothing was updated. In the past weeks I have had glitches with the MFT options working then not working so I guess im still waiting for an update. No call from the dealer yet.
  11. Welcome to the forums Tulsa! Best of luck with your new Edge, Im sure you will find it quite an enjoyable vehicle to own. There are a lot of very knowledgeable people here, so if you have any questions and cant find the answers through the search function than ask away. Cheers!
  12. I absolutely loved our 2008 limited, not a single problem. We totally wanted and intended to buy it out, then we laid eyes on the 2011 Sport and it was all over. Build quality on this truck is second to none. It drives like a dream. The power is incredible, and all of my MFT functionality actually works. I wouldn't trade this truck for any other on the market right now including marquee brands like BMW or Mercedes-Benz. Sounds like you're set on something else and your trying to lobby your wife off the Edge. But regardless, best of luck in your search.
  13. the brand that Ford uses is InVision. They are owned by audiovox corp.
  14. Open and disconnect the glove box door. Above the door is the corregated fiber cabin air filter. You may have leaves or debris caught in the filter hitting the spinning fan blades.
  15. Richy, Fabulous job on cleaning up that truck. Ive seen that paint damage on vehicles and never thought it could be removed once its dry. Great explanation on the procedure.
  16. Congratulations on your new ride. Very nice, well thought out review.
  17. my favorite am news station here, 1010 Wins new York , broadcasts in hd and its incredible. It sounds like a regular fm station versus the tin can with a string sound you typically get from am radio.
  18. *I like the on dash services that show oil life left, fuel economy, etc *SYNC services is cool, love the long range weather forecast. *actually all the sync services are pretty cool. *I like the muscular stance of the sport, and that the wheel offsets push the 22's flush with the bodywork
  19. Cool, congrats and welcome to the boards.
  20. WELCOME! This is a great place to get info and there are some really wonderful people here as well. WIshing you many many happy and healthy miles of motoring in your new ride. Dont forget to post your thoughtsand your new car pictures!
  21. I had a with the Nightlight issue, but I'm really enjoying my time in my Sport BEST SUV Ive ever owned. Im absolutely about it everyday I get in it.
  22. Liked the 2011 Sport when I first laid eyes on it. Loved it when I actually drove it, and loved it more when I took it home as my own. I also hated giving it up for a night to sit at the dealer when the Nighlight issue killed the battery. Dont get me wrong, not angry with Ford, sad that I was without my new car that I like so much. I like many here, plan to have many useful discussions on issues other than MFT bugs, so maybe reconsider and stick around.... I think it;ll be worth it once the initial software bugs are flushed out.
  23. Still averaging 18.3-19.0 on my 22 minute, 14 mile commute, AWD w/ BAMR. I'm sure that sucker adds some extra weight. Not bad, hoping it'll get better, but considering weight, power, and wheel size....not to mention my short commute, If I said anything short of being happy i'd be lying
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