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Everything posted by Edgieguy

  1. Those are pretty sharp and I usually don't care for running boards. That's a nice design though.
  2. My sport worked the same way, I don't remember it working differently before the upgrade
  3. Based on your local law and when you first reported it you could lemon law the car. It Won't cost you anything to have an attorney represent you as they get paid their fees by Ford as per the law. You may wind up winning a partial refund which would pay for new wheels perhaps. I'm looking into this myself as I've been through this same as you, over and over with no solution.
  4. Your question isn't even clear, can you restate it?
  5. Oh, okay.... I misunderstood, I thought you were buying it outright. Well enjoy, you'll love it.
  6. Yes so did mine within a week. It's just tough because we're dealing with a lemon of leaking Explorer. The more the dealer does to fix it the worse the leak gets. So, soon I'll have to bring the Sport in no matter what and have them try again.
  7. I have both 35 & 55. 35 in our Explorer, 55 in Edge. Same focused beam in both light housings, virtually no difference in output.
  8. Hey Elmer you sure you don't want nav? For $795 or probably less, it's Definitely worth it in my opinion. At some point you'll be selling this rig and by then ALL vehicles will have nav standard. It's tough to deal with that afterthought later cause it's not like backlit door sills or a crummy cover for the cargo area. Just thought I'd chime in.
  9. Yeah Richy, I had to sell this all this stuff to pay for the $5 gallon gas, generator, and all the other expenses that came along with Sandy and 10 days of no power... Sucks, but what can you do?
  10. http://www.autoblog.com/photos/2012-ford-edge-ecoboost-review/#photo-4703860 If anyone's interested. I had never noticed the difference.
  11. I was going to suggest a 50/50 vinegar water mix too. You can always try stronger ratios. You may want to reach out to board member Richy who is a professional detailer and has a vast knowledge of these type of problems and which products to turn to, to resolve them.
  12. Continue to document and visit the dealer with these problems as most lemon laws require only 3 visits with the same problem being unresolved as a trigger for further action. That further action can be as extreme as a full buyback at original cost to refunds in the thousands of dollars. Best of all, all lemon lawyers fees are paid by the manufacturer so as not to re-victimize the consumer who purchased the defective vehicle.
  13. I've owned a 2008 limited and now have a 2011 Explorer XLT and 2011 Edge Sport. The Sport trumps the Limited in all aspects. I feel it's better assembled, from materials to panel alignments/gaps. It has better brakes, handling, and the HVAC cools and heats more efficiently. Towing was never a problem with my 2008, (typical tow was a 8'x10' snowmobile trailer and a Polaris RZR dune buggy. Approximately 1900lbs combined). Although I haven't towed with the Sport I would definitely guess the experience would only be better than with the Limited. MFT has had more than its share of growing pains but seems to be fine after the last rewrite. With more rewrites scheduled I see this system becoming less and less problematic. The Explorer too has had a few problems but turned out to be a great vehicle. Towing with the Explorer has been a breeze. You don't even feel your trailer trailer except in extreme weather. Mileage is consistently in the 20s. From 26 on straight highway trips to a low of 21 during mixed city and highway driving. The third row and extra space when it's folded are priceless in their utility, and we find ourselves choosing it for trips more often then the Edge. I would suggest a 2011 model of Edge or Explorer if you could swing it in your budget, the improvements are night and day and you'll notice that if you could take back to back test drives in earlier and later models.
  14. Am i the only person who used 9005 bulbs? They went in perfectly the first time and needed no modifications.
  15. No special program, just Ford's own stock located from their website tools. Call those dealerships direct and ask.
  16. Ok. I read the base engine/transmission footnote but was looking for something that said 3.7L or Sport.
  17. Welcome to the family. It's a great looking suv that's gets loads of looks wherever you go. Here's to many happy miles of driving! By the way, which color did you choose?
  18. All American Ford in old bridge NJ has 2 impact blue Sports and 1 red one. My dealership All American in Paramus NJ just called me back and said they sold their white one one which I had seen on the lot Monday. Verner - Cadby Ford 1240 Bloomfield Avenue Fairfield, NJ, 07004 Has 2 Tuxedo black Sports. Magarino Ford, L.L.C. 375 Route 23 North Sussex, NJ, 07461 Has 1 white platinum and 1 impact blue Performance Ford Lincoln 906 Route 10 West Randolph, NJ, 07869 Has 1 White platinum Ray Price Stroud Ford Lincoln 301 North Ninth Street Stroudsburg, PA, 18360 Has 1 White Platinum
  19. I hope you saw the damage before purchasing them. I bought a set of AMG wheels on eBay once and when I received them the lips were covered in sandpaper like scratches. I returned them immediately for a refund. Hope you at least have that option.
  20. On Ford's main webpage for the 2013 Sport I keep seeing their Mileage estimates of 19/26 (footnote 2) Ive searched for any information on what that might be and cant find any explanation. When I was at the dealer the other day I looked at a Sport window sticker and it listed the same 16/23 I have listed on my window sticker (I couldn't find a Front Wheel Drive) but I believe that those were 16/24mpg. Is there something new on the 2013's? Direct injection?
  21. Maybe a fault in your flasher relay? Is it possible you can try a new flasher from an autozone and if its not the flasher return it? It sounds like you added lights to the circut, Are you pulling more power? This might be the issue for the flasher relay
  22. Nope no issues with that....issues with other stuff, but so far i've been right side up when backing out of my driveway.
  23. Come out to New Jersey, I saw a few sitting out in the lots, search zips 07652, 07073, 07470 maybe your dealer can trade for one?
  24. Only one lift? I would have thought that our hoods would require two struts to raise them.
  25. Was installation straight forward, i.e. Remove your old airbox and put this one on, connect your sensors and your done? Were there any idling problems?
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