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About SylvainBouchard

SylvainBouchard's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Eddyfi est a la recherche Technicien(ne) comptable. MSG moi si vous etes intéressé.

  2. I received an Sd card from a forum user and it's working fine.
  3. Here is my adress Sylvain Bouchard, 263 Rue des Jonquilles, St-Rédempteur, QC Canada G6K 1M7

  4. Sylvain Bouchard 263 Rue des Jonquilles St-Rédempteur, Québec G6K 1M7 Tank you!!!
  5. De retour a la maison avec Laurence.

  6. If ou want i can pay for the shipping... IT is ont suppose to be very expensive... like less than 5$
  7. Hi all I lost my nav sd card and i still dont received my update... Does someone can send me his old card? I will have to travel in 2 weeks... I am in canada Quebec G6K 1M7. TKX in advance. Edge Limited 2011
  8. Hi, I'am in canada (Quebec) and i lost my nav SD card. The problem is that i didn't receive my update yet and i need my GPS next weekend. Is there someone who received their upgrade, who can give me his old NAV SD? i can pay for the shipping with no problem. TKX
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