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Everything posted by DrewWhitford

  1. Okay its 1 AM and we walk up to space mountain thinking no wait...wrong 60 minutes. This is what is wrong with America.

  2. That looks good. I have one splice and its not noticable if u match the pattern. Note the curve of the chrome...you will need more than a 1" strip. Maybe even 6". Cut with rzr blade(eith card brd backing) or even finger nail.
  3. I used this Link KC300 thanks for the compliment...You are a great asset to this forum. Going to follow your guides to convert a few more lights to LED.
  4. Here we go, please disregard the ugly dealer plate...it will be removed asap
  5. You can see it in these pics. Its the 1/2" chrome strip above the headlights. I wrapped it in 3M vinyl, easy job, 15 mins. I also wrapped the grill on the honda.
  6. Just wanted to introduce myself as a new owner. I recently purchased a new car (11 Honda Accord V6 6MT) and my poor but beautiful wife got jealous. Soooo, I was "forced" to picked a new '12 Ford Edge Sport with the vista roof and drivers entry for her. We basically got invoice - 3250 in rebates and 8k on a trade in (02 trans am with 96K in good condition). Had wonderful buying experience. Put a few grand down and financed 25K with ford. We will refi after a few months at a lower rate. So far we have installed some interior LEDs, 5k 55watt HIDs, and blacked out the front chrome trim. Which one is considered an import (Ohio vs Canada?) And My Baby (but I'm starting to love the Ford too)
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