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About Stitchintime

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  1. In spite of liking how it handles and rides, I'm completely disillusioned with this vehicle. I've had my 2011 Edge since middle of March 2011 and have had nothing but problems with the MFT. It freezes and resets itself frequently and had been in the shop for software "upgrades" 4 times, the most recent time I was told that Ford is sending out thumb drives Jan '12 (now - but haven't rec'd yet) to upgrade and "FIX" all the touch and sync problems. Right. I've also had a couple of transmission hard shifts, but of course they can't ever find anything wrong when it's in the shop. The Nav mapping is a joke. It doesn't even have my town's post office! And, destinations frequently are about 1/10th+ of a mile off from actual location. Whoever they used as a mapping service is extremely inaccurate. It was dead completely coming out of a concert last December and I had to call Ford Roadside Assistance. When I took it in to the dealer, of course they couldn't find anything wrong, nor give any reason why the vehicle was completely dead after sitting in the parking lot for only 2 hours. It had not been running, was not out of gas, and lights were not left on. I'm VERY dissatisfied with the mileage - hovers around 18.8, and I live very rurally so most of my driving is at around 55. I'm also not real thrilled with the sun-roof. Oh, it's big enough, but come on! Even my 1999 Blazer sun-roof would shut automatically when the vehicle was turned off. This roof requires two presses and second one has to be held down to finish the closing. I was a Chevy gal, and woe is me that I didn't stay one. As soon as I feel I've gotten a little of my money's worth out of this heap, I'll be trading back to a Chevy and will also never buy another Ford. We have also have a Ford F-250 Super duty for towing our RV and are starting to have ongoing issues with that (for another Forum, I know, I know.) Just saying....Ford???
  2. RE: post by rdebruin999 from May '11 I'm in complete agreement. In spite of liking how it handles and rides, I'm completely disillusioned with this vehicle. I've had my 2011 Edge since middle of March 2011 and have had nothing but problems with the MySync/Ford Touch. It freezes and resets itself frequently and had been in the shop for software "upgrades" 4 times, the most recent time I was told that Ford is sending out thumb drives Jan '12 (now - but haven't rec'd yet) to upgrade and "FIX" all the touch and sync problems. Right. I've also had a couple of transmission hard shifts, but of course they can't ever find anything wrong when it's in the shop. It was dead completely coming out of a concert last December and I had to call Ford Roadside Assistance. When I took it in to the dealer, of course they couldn't find anything wrong, nor give any reason why the vehicle was completely dead after sitting in the parking lot for only 2 hours. It had not been running, was not out of gas, and lights were not left on. I'm VERY dissatisfied with the mileage - hovers around 18.8, and I live very rurally, so most of my driving is at around 55. I'm also not real thrilled with the sun-roof. Oh, it's big enough, but come on! Even my 1999 Blazer sun-roof would shut automatically when the vehicle was turned off. This roof requires two presses and second one has to be held down to finish the closing. I was a Chevy gal, and woe is me that I didn't stay one. As soon as I feel I've gotten a little of my money's worth out of this heap, I'll be trading back to a Chevy and will also never buy another Ford.
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