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Everything posted by ty666666

  1. Thank you guys for your help, problem solved, it turned out to be a corroded wire under the carpet that was occasionally (which explains the intermittent problem) getting in contact with a bare metal of the car & was messing up the ground connection to the pcm, the wire was replaced with a new one & problem solved, drove the car for a little over 100 km with no problems
  2. Thanks for your help guys, I replaced the battery with a new one but the problem is still there, now i Noticed something today, usually when i turn the ignition key halfway, the fuel pump makes a low zzzz sound for a second or 2 which is normal, that means its pumping gas to the engine. But i noticed that whenever this problem happens the fuel pump doesn't kick in or make any sound anymore. Second thing is that the problem shows whenever the car is warm, on a cold start yesterday morning, i left the car turned on for about 45 mins-1:00 hr until it turned off then it took about 35-40 mins of cool down for it to turn back on only for a few mins then turn off, (keep in mind its not overheating) then tonight (It was a colder night) & on a cold start at night, it took 2 hrs 10 mins for it to shut off, so i guess it is affected by temperature. I've also heard that faulty relays might fail under high temperature, so i tried switching relays with others but nothing did the trick, I removed the fuel pump relay & starter relay & switched them with rear defroster relay & AC clutch relay They're both identical & same rating) but nothing solved the problem Tomorrow morning I'm taking the car back to the stealership, hope this time they'd be able to diagnose the problem, Any thoughts/help is very much appreciated as I would share your ideas with the mechanics working on the car. Thanks, TY
  3. I have a 2008 ford edge, after driving the car for 30 mins 2 days ago, the engine stopped, i put it in park & turned it on with no problems, it was low on gas, so I filled the tank & then after that it did the same thing twice within the next 20 mins but it would immediatly start with no problem. At first I thought it must be dirt from the buttom of the fuel tank getting sucked in to the fuel injection system. but while on my way back home the car stopped & wou;dn't turn back on & when i did a system check, it gave all these errors at the same time "Engine Temp data error", "Oil pressure low"(which is not true), "ODO Data Error", "Tire pressure monitor fault", outside air temp reading was faulty as well(way too high) & i noticed that the immobolizer icon was flashing even when the car was unlocked. The tow truck driver tried disconnecting the battery thinking this might reset the cars computer & make it work, but it didn't & as soon as i reached the ford service center, the car started normally & there were no errors anymmore & the immobolizer wasn't flashing anymore. I left the car to be checked & after 2 days of diagnosis they couldn't find anything wrong, they said all they could see was "LOSS OF COMMUNICATION WITH PCM" so i took the car back & after 2 hours same thing happened again & it won't start. If anyone had this problem before please tell us how how you solved it, because it's turning out to be a guessing game at the dealership. Thanks, TY
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