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Everything posted by bendder.rm

  1. Well before I would jump to any conclusions and say don't pull another car with an Edge I would want to know a bit more. I have towed my car on a trailer many times!! actually about 8000kms now before anyone jumps all over me a few key points for anyone to consider first. How much does the car weigh ?? You have stated that yours I believe is 2500lbs that will leave you 1000lbs for a trailer. No matter what, you will need brakes !!! The Edge brakes are not the best out of the box so have a trailer with brakes. 1000lbs for a trailer is not much. You will not likely find any commercially available trailer that is that light, will support the weight you want and have brakes. I had my trailer custom made to tow my car keeping in mind the tow rating on the Edge being 3500lbs. Mine is a float meaning no suspension which=less weight, thin wall tubing on all the inner runs making up the frame=less weight, large hole expanded metal deck instead of a solid surface such as sheet steel or wood=less weight... I think you all get the picture here. You do have some choices here and it can be and done safely at that. My car weighs 2450lbs and my total towed weight on a scale was 3270lbs by total I do NOT mean only the axel weight I mean the car, trailer, both axle and tongue on the scale pad unhooked from the Edge. I paid $15 and got a weight slip from the scale operator and keep it with me just in case I get questioned about how much what I'm pulling weighs. It has never happened. Now another thing to remember is what your GCVWR is I think from memory it is 8100lbs for the Edge. Subtract 3500lbs and you will be left with 4600lbs and from that you have to take out the weight of the tow vehicle which again from memory here I think was 41 or 4200lbs that will only leave you with a total cargo capacity including passengers of 500lbs and that’s if its 4100lbs. That’s not much. So al can say is it can be done safely and legally but you need to do the math and make sure you stay within the lines. Lot’s of people go over the limits and never have a problem until that one time when they get in an accident and then they realize you were over weight and now your at fault regardless and your insurance company will likely not cover you. On a side note if you are going to tow at or near the limit keep this in mind. Have the factory tow package and add to it another transmission cooler fitted in line. Also add engine oil cooler. I used a remote filter adapter and ran my coolant thermostat and lines from that. Remember heat kills when pulling. As far as the topic of the hitches was included here, this is what I found. When the rear bumper was removed YES the hitch receiver is welded to the bumper cross bar… But !! there is always a but.. That bar is bolted to the box sections of the rear section of the unit body pan. I have not actually seen a hitch that is rated as class III for the Edge I swapped my factory 1 ¼” for a 2” receiver but it is rated at 3500lbs also (others may vary) I beefed mine up a bit by cutting off the factory receiver and bolting in a new reinforcement piece between the bumper cross bar and the new hitch. The only reason for doing this is I found that with about 300lbs on the tongue I noticed more flex than I liked and thought I would take advantage of that nice bumper cross bar.
  2. I just got back from a trip to a car show and I decided to haul the car there and back because I had my 6yr old son with me ( you never know what might happen with a 30yr old british car) The car and trailer have a combined weight of 3250lbs with about 200lbs on the tongue. Pulled like a dream and did not even know it was there except for when hitting the odd bump in the road, then you could feel it behind the Edge but other than that it was fine going up hill only downshifting on the step stuff which there was not much of. Set the cruise control at 70mph and got 14.95 mpg with the AC on and my son playing video games all the way to keep occupied. Was a great trip and have no worries about the way it pulled the car on the trailer. The trailer is a custom built 3500lb float(no suspention) with brakes and weighs 800lbs ( was built specificaly for this car keeping in mind the 3500lb towing capacity of the Edge)
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