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  1. Wonder if it an intake leak after changing the plugs. The oil is changed every 3000-5000 miles.
  2. When we first bought the car the engine was quiet, you could just barely here it and the exhaust note. Now with 123,000 miles the engine is very loud and I can barely hear the exhaust note anymore. Most recently I replaced the plugs and pvc. Of course, had to remove the intake. Oil is regularly changed and tranny fluid was also changed. Could I have missed something on the intake that may cause the excessive noise? I also cleaned the throttle body. Could the catalytic converters be a little plugged causing more engine noise than exhaust? Seems a little sluggish when accelerating.
  3. Part number is 7T4Z-7822600-BA, sold by Tasca parts, 800-915-3141. This is the passenger side door handle.
  4. The driver side rear door vent window molding is cracking. It is the only molding on the car that is doing this. Anyone experience this and is it easy or fairly easy to fix? Thanks
  5. Fixed it in about 10 minutes. Piece of cake. Pricey little handle though. $53 for a piece of plastic and a spring.
  6. Have an '07 and the passenger side door handle chrome is peeling off and actually cut my wife's finger. Has anyone had to replace one of these? Directions or is there a shop manual showing the sequence I could look at? Thanks
  7. Perfect, Thank You. I will retorque them today.
  8. I torqued them to between 55 and 60 ft-lbs. Hope that is enough. They didn't seem to overly tight when I loosened them.
  9. Anybody have what the four bolts should be torque to. Replacing them right now. thanks
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