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Everything posted by The_Edgeinator

  1. Want some cheese with that whine?? Take some Midol. You'll feel better soon. Also, next time you go car shopping, make sure you check out everything on the car you are interested in. I spent a total of 4-5 hours driving and trying out everything, every control, every function before I was satisfied. This wasn't all in one day, it was over a couple of weeks. Once I was aware of the pluses and minuses, I was satisfied, and ordered my Edge with exactly what I wanted. I knew what I was getting, and what I was not getting. By the way, do you know Sweetie6116?
  2. You don't have to yell! Why do you assume I am a "he"? Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
  3. When I ordered my Edge, I liked the look of the stock painted wheels, so I went with those. I'm glad I did, after reading all the complaints about the optional wheels. Plus, I got an extra (and unexpected) $500.00 rebate when I picked up the Edge. Seems that since a lot of people were opting for the premium wheels, Ford had an overabundance of the stock ones, and put a little incentive on them to sell them. After almost a year, they still look great, and I do not regret my decision at all.
  4. You said elsewhere you didn't test drive it, you didn't know the MSRP, and, you don't have a clue if you got a good deal on a lease. Why are your arms hurting? My suggestion is cancel your lease, and go get a Pacifica. Then, maybe your arms wouldn't hurt.
  5. In the general scheme of things, that is so trivial of a matter, it isn't even worth the effort to type this reply.
  6. Gee, aren't you a pleasant character.
  7. I have almost 20,000 miles, and have never experienced any such noise. The dealer saying "It's common and should eventually go away" is basically a way of saying 'f*ck off, I don't want to deal with you, because I don't know a damn thing about what you are talking about.' Ask him what kind of pictures you should have from the "developing film"...
  8. Just wondering...how many different Edge forums have you posted this exact same post on??
  9. Best thing is to man up, buy a new wheel. If you go through insurance, you eventually end up paying a lot more as your premium is increased by making a claim (if they don't laugh at you) than you would just by taking care of it yourself. Of course, if you want to try lying to the dealer, they also will laugh in your face. More than once, too.
  10. So tell me, have you and your Edge had sex yet?
  11. Only in pictures. The color does not look the same to me, but it is hard to tell with pictures. The factory picture of the Light Sage looks totally different than the real thing. I did notice that Light Sage is not offered for 2008. I guess it wasn't that popular of a color. I like it, though. It hides the dirt well, and does really look nice when all clean and shiny. I guess we have an exclusive, first year only color. That will be a good thing to point out to some sucker in the future if you ever sell it. Maybe get an extra $1000 or so....ha ha.
  12. I have a Light Sage Metallic Edge. I describe it as a light tan w/ metal flake.
  13. I have pulled a camper to 45 of the 50 states over several years. I don't recall an abnormal amount of backing, but I can understand how the tone would be irritating. It really isn't that hard to disable the system, just a couple of button pushes.
  14. Do you drive backward?? It only comes on when you are in reverse.
  15. It's been 8 months since Sirius 'asked' for "approval" from the FCC to merge with XM. The FCC is dragging their feet on this one, for sure.
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