I have my Ipod touch plugged into my vehicle and it works really well...
BUT, when I choose the option to "play all" so it will actually start playing all my songs on the ipod, it does great until I turn the vehicle off. To simplify, It begins playing all songs alphabetically, so depending on how far I have to drive, I may be down to the songs that begin with the letter D...
After shutting my vehicle off and getting out, when I get back in and restart my vehicle it will still play the song it was playing before, BUT does not go back to the "play all" setting. So I have to restart the play all setting every time I return to the vehicle, and search go to the D's and then scroll down to where I want it to begin again...
Rather annoying. Is there a way it can remember to still "play all" when I return to my vehicle?
Maybe I just need to set it a different way?
Any advice is appreciated...