For the first oil change, I took it my 2011 Edge Limited the dealer, but I am tired of waiting all day for just an oil change, so I went it a Oil Change shop (SuperLube). They said that the only Ford approved oil is a full synthetic. While I sat there, I looked at the manual, and while it sort of says that, it is not 100% clear that a full synthetic is the only approved oil. For the extra $$ I was not going to have a fit, so I told then to go ahead with the full synthetic. I did not keep my invoice from the first oil change, done at the dealership, but I am pretty sure that it was non-synthetic.
So - what is the truth? Is the only Ford approved oil a full synthetic?
Also - about the milage between changes - the manual is not clear. It gives a few possible numbers, but what is the true number?
There is no way I am changing full syntheic oil at 5,000 km (3,000 miles) - that is nuts.