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Winnipeg Edge

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  1. Winnipeg Edge

    Oil Change

    Good to know that the factory fill is not full synthetic. Darn Oli Change places- just trying to get you to upgrade. As for the smart oil life indication, I have been keeping an eye on that since. I am not sure that one should go by that or by milage. I've never got below 50% good. If you were to go by the oli life indicator only, the manual should say that explicitly. It does mention it, but then gives the section on straight milage. Seems that while this oil life indicator is there, it really does not mean anything. WHat possibly could it do? I can't actually masure the health of your oil? I suspect it is just a sensor? Does anyone kow what that oil life indicator ia actually measuring ??
  2. Winnipeg Edge

    Oil Change

    For the first oil change, I took it my 2011 Edge Limited the dealer, but I am tired of waiting all day for just an oil change, so I went it a Oil Change shop (SuperLube). They said that the only Ford approved oil is a full synthetic. While I sat there, I looked at the manual, and while it sort of says that, it is not 100% clear that a full synthetic is the only approved oil. For the extra $$ I was not going to have a fit, so I told then to go ahead with the full synthetic. I did not keep my invoice from the first oil change, done at the dealership, but I am pretty sure that it was non-synthetic. So - what is the truth? Is the only Ford approved oil a full synthetic? Also - about the milage between changes - the manual is not clear. It gives a few possible numbers, but what is the true number? There is no way I am changing full syntheic oil at 5,000 km (3,000 miles) - that is nuts.
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