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About coppermine33

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  1. $650 is still great even without the disc or antenna... they usually go for $750-850 without the disc or antenna either
  2. Sweet, ebay is the greatest if you wait for a good deal. I got my gps for $640 and it came with the 3P disc and the antenna, I'm just going to wait for anewer nav disc since they just opened a new section of a highway by me that I doubt is on 6P. $70 seems alittle steep, I noticed they went for under $25 on ebay and there were quite a few of them.
  3. The 2008 nav systems that work with bluetooth are the cars already equiped with sync. If you want bluetooth to work on your 2007 edge with the nav system, you could buy mobile-ease, but that is VERY expensive, plus it is not entirely integrated as it has a separate control pod. Id suggest checking out a parrot bluetooth kit, I am going to get one very soon. If you get a harness adaptor then it will plug right in, it also has a screen for caller id... all for under $200. Great deal if you ask me. Also, I'm sure you could find a better place to mount the control module, remember, you will still have one to place if you get the mobile-ease Installation link: http://www.fordfusionclub.com/index.php?topic=95937.0
  4. Hey, I dont know if you were asking me, but I did install the factory nav system into my Fusion. I didnt bother getting the radio reflashed, it works fine. Installation took 15 minutes, removed the trim aroudn the radio, then just 4 screws held it in. Popped out the old radio, put in the new nav system and mounted the antenna. VERY easy. works like a charm!
  5. Just a quick update, I recieved my navigation system last friday and put it in. I have a 2006 Fusion with the audiophile option and steering wheel controls. The unit came from a 2006 Mercury Mountaineer. I noticed from scouting around that all Mountaineers with the nave system had a subwoofer so that means they are programmed for audiophile. It installed in about 15 minutes, very easy plug and play. The steering wheel controls still work as do the speakers in the rear deck that came with the upgraded stereo. Summed up, everything worked so I did not need reprogramming. The only thing is that the screen says mercury instead of ford. To be honest, its not worth paying $100+ to have it flashed to say ford, besides the monochrome mercury logo on the screen looks better with a black interior than a blue ford logo would. Moral of the story: if you buy a nav system on ebay, ask for the model number so you can find out what car it came from. That way you can see if it is programmed for the same options you have so that you can save hundred(s) by not having to reprogram it!
  6. Yes, there are two places you can have it done: Contact Dominic at ARC 781-721-0092 or Call Chicago parts and sound. 630-350-1500 Ask for Ray. ARC charges $150 but if you mention that Stan refered you for $100, they are cool and will do it for $100. The chicago parts and sound I read on a forum somewhere charges $100 which is nice because I live 15 minutes away from the place. However, when I called and asked for ray, he said it was $200. I asked if he would do it for $100 and he told me to ask the owner which was a total dick and said $200 non negotiable. Either way it is still cheaper than having a dealer do it because most dealers simply ship it to either of these two places to have the reprogramming done. I am installing mine on friday and I hope that it works without reprogramming. If not, I'd really like to get it done close to home at the chicago parts and sound. Maybe if I can get a few units in and show him there is interest from the Edge fan community, he can offer a discount. Let me know if you are interested and I'll stop by there this weekend and ask.
  7. Hey, I just bought a navigation system off ebay as well. It was from a mercury mountaineer and has the same model number as yours, except it ends with AJ instead of BC. From the PDF you attached, it appears they are identical. I am putting this unit into my 2006 Ford Fusion with the audiophile option, are the nav systems we bought pre programed for the audiophile option and do the steering wheel controls work properly? I really dont want to spend the $100-200 that it would cost to reprogram it specifically for my car. If all it all works, I can live with the mercury logo.
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