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Everything posted by Cdpratt69

  1. The 363 is better in my opinion. Better software too. Just my opinion. Of course, I am usually right!
  2. I do the same thing. I use my AMEX for everything, pay it off each month, and enjoy the points for trips, etc. it makes a ton of sense to do it that way in my opinion. Now, back to the question at hand. What was your quote from the shop if you don't mind me asking.
  3. Andy, Have you drawn up your plans for your audio setup? I have an idea in my head that looks like what I think you have planned but I drawing or something like that would really help me understand the plan a bit better if you care to share. I promise I won't copy. If anything at all I am going to have my box split, have the rest of the plastic tray cut out and then have a second 12" sub put in along with amping up the D-pillar speakers to get a little more mids and treble put in the back. Who knows? I've been known to do some pretty stupid, over-the-top stuff in my life.
  4. Most of our accounts are joint so I can't get away with that. However, my wife leaves our finances totally up to me so she doesn't really care what I do with the money as long as I save money and don't buy anything on credit. Both of which I am religious about doing.
  5. It would take about $4000-$5000 worth of spending on my car before my wife would be looking to give me the boot. The key is to buy your wife a really nice car then she can't say anything about my ancillary expenses.
  6. I need to go into it on my own and find the wires from the Sony amp to the center channel and d pillar speakers. Anyone know the colors of those particular wires yet?
  7. You don't have a clue as to what you are doing. Come to think of it...neither do I. Oh well.
  8. Well crap. Give me thru tonight to figure something else out. I am not sure what else to try at this point,
  9. No install required no modification on the stock side wall. It is all still stock. The shop just modified the box and it still fits behind the stock grill.
  10. The sub that is mounted behind my back panel in the original location has a mounting depth of 3-3/8". Maybe that info will help. The original Sony sub has a fairly large magnet for being a stock speaker in my opinion. I guess that is not a bad thing because the panel prob had to be designed to make room for it. I am just guessing here but it looks to me like there isnt much more room back there for anything larger than a 10" sub box or a depth more than 3.5". The stock Sony amp is back there as well.
  11. The recordings I made were just in my garage and the mic is pretty close to the center of the pipes. It's not exactly a true representation of what the exhaust sounds like overall but I suppose it's not terrible for doing it on the spur of the moment with my iPhone. If anyone else is interested you can just post your email address and I will send you the Dropbox shared link. I will try to post it here as a link if I get more than a few requests. I figure there wont be enuf interest to go that far though.
  12. Ok, sent you an email that should share the link. It worked for me when I sent it to myself. Last night they were not playing for me either but I threw them out just for the heck of it. Sorry for all the trouble.
  13. Mike, what is a good email address for you. I will just send you a link to my shared folder on drop box. It seems to be working if i do it that way when i send it to myself. For whatever reason, photo bucket keeps timing out while i try to upload there. Ive not used it before so I have no idea what I am doing wrong.
  14. Sorry about that. I'll delete or modify the post so anyone looking doesn't waste their time. I'll have to make an account on photo bucket since I've never used it but I don't mind. Give me about 15 minutes and I should have it up.
  15. I'm working on getting my audio uploaded with photo bucket but the uploads are going very slowly!
  16. Cdpratt69

    photo 1

    Please remove tha eye sore on the front. Otherwise the car is beautiful!
  17. Looks and sounds very good. I'll get some pics and a sound file posted of mine soon. It sounds surprisingly similar to yours actually. It looks totally different tho. Stange.
  18. Sure, I can do that. I'd be curious to hear how yours sounds as well if possible.
  19. Do you mind saying what the total of the complete replacement quote is? I'm very curious as to their labor charges on a total job like that.
  20. I had a complete custom job done on mine after that converters. It would be quite a job to remove those from the 2011- edge sports. We used Proflow mufflers and some resonators I purchased from another guy on the forum. I love the sound we achieved with this particular setup.
  21. Well, your $40k car is about to be worth well over $45k soon! You made some great choices. You are using a couple of similar items I used. Anyhow, that will sound great. Take tons of pictures and good luck with the install!
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