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Everything posted by cluelass8

  1. I, too, had this issue, although it didn't happen till AFTER they installed the 2.8 version! After 1 1/2 weeks at the dealership, they basically told me that if it happens again, undo the battery cables (in effect, cutting off the electricity) and then re-attach them. Yeah, I just love professional advice!!!
  2. Well, after the dealership having my car for a week and a half I finally have it back. It's been a comedy of errors. First they said they'd have to do a master reset. After a week in the shop, I was told the car was ready. Within a week I had the same issues. So I took it back. But before I did, I looked up "master reset." It turns out they never did one because all my user data was still there! So I did one myself - still had problems. Took it back and they re-installed the 2.8 version and then did a master reset. They didn't know what caused the unit to fail or how to fix it. But since I was going to be traveling out of state, they told me that if the unit fails, I can undo the battery cables (in effect cutting off the electricity) and then re-attach them and that will make it come back on. They also told me that the TSB had been rescinded so they couldn't do that. Fortunately, I haven't had the problem again. But while I had it in there, they lost my key... Cluelass8
  3. I'm new here and have been reading all the posts about Ford notifying customers about updates. Not sure how I feel about that as I'm a fairly new owner and my dealership has kept me informed. However, if notifications need to be made, what's wrong with email? I assume most of the customers who purchase cars with systems like this are at least a little into technology and therefore are more likely than most to possess an email account. And it's pretty easy to hire someone to manage your email communications. Just a thought. However, that being said, where DO I go to find out about updates? I am reading about all of you who know what version your software is and I don't even know how to find that. :-) I have been to and signed in to syncmyride.com but that appears to be quite a clumsy and difficult-to-navigate site. Or is that just me? I do agree with the folks who state that we pay a good price (in fact a premium price) to have this technology and that should count for something. Ford needs to be aware that they are answerable to us, even if the answer is 'we screwed up and we don't know how to fix it'. I'd at least rather hear that than what I'm reading on this forum. I just had my whole system, MFT and Sync, go completely out, so believe me, I understand this frustration. What bothers me is that I have a great service advisor who keeps up to date on these systems and he didn't know what had gone wrong. He has called the Ford "hot line" but hasn't gotten an answer yet. I'm calling it the "lukewarm line." :-) But at least I know he'll perservere till he finds an answer. Thanks for any help you can give a newbie and good luck with solving all your problems! :-) Cluelass8
  4. I have owned my 2011 edge for about 6 months now. Last month, I was notified that I needed to bring my car in because the update which had been previously performed had caused some problems in unanticipated areas and they had a fix. So I took my car in, the "fix" was installed and I went on my merry way. Within a week of that fix being installed my Sync started to act like it was possessed. It wouldn't come on properly when I started the car, it hung up more often than not, I kept losing my phonebook, recent addresses, radio stations, etc. So I made an appt to get the car in on Tuesday. On Saturday, the whole computer shut down. I had no screen and therefore lost some valuable controls. As I had my backup camera set to show only in the computer screen, I lost that, which was horrendous!! I took the car in on Tuesday and they did a master reset. My service tech said something about noticing a problem with codes being missing when they did this and called the Ford "Hot Line" to see if they had any more info. The car is still at the dealership and they've heard nothing from the "Hot Line." Has anyone else experienced this? Have you gotten a satisfactory answer as to why this happened? I'm going to be taking a "road trip" this summer and am now in complete terror that this will happen while I'm driving from state to state. Thanks, Cluelass8
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