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Everything posted by fishx65

  1. It's very easy to get to the front door speakers on the 2011. Maybe pull a speaker and see what it looks and feels like. I would guess that the factory Sony's are junk and big improvements could be made by replacing them. Even a mid-priced set of coaxials installed up front should do wonders for sound quality. I would hope that Ford would not use the same junk speakers I just found in my 2011 SEL in the upgraded Sony system.
  2. 2011 SEL with basic 1 disc stereo. Had some time today so I decided to throw in a set of old Infinitys I had laying around cuz I couldn't take the terrible sound any longer. The factory speakers are so bad that I can't understand what anyone is saying when I have my cellphone hardwired in. Could not believe that Ford would even think of using the factory speakers I found in the doors. They have plastic baskets and are the cheapest junk I've ever seen!!!! I've never even seen a speaker with a plastic basket! If you have a 2011 with basic stereo, your ears will be very happy if you get the stock speakers out of there. Even without an amp, the 652i Infinitys I put in sound unbelievable compared to the junk stockers.
  3. Reading this thread reminded me of many moons ago. I puchased a new Mustang GT back in 1987 and one of the 1st things I did was install smoked head and tail light covers. I think they where made by a company called GTS and you couldn't see a frickin thing when they were installed. Can't believe I never got a ticket!!! After all the covers were stolen for the 3rd time, I gave up. Todays mild blackout tints are a much better option but I need all the light I can get to spot the deer I'm about to hit. My preferred method for a venison dinner is the bow & arrow!
  4. There's lots of info on the net about hypermiling. Some of the tips are pretty good and some are ridiculous. I really just use common sense to increase mpg. The best way is to pay attention to what's going on around you and what your right foot is doing with the gas pedal at all times. Having an instantaneous mpg readout can really help drivers learn how to get better mpg. I kinda treat it like a game. The higher I can get that average mpg readout, the better I'm playing. No need to get carried away and become a danger to other drivers but most could really improve their octane usage by changing a few driving habits.
  5. 31-32 psi cuz the roads here in Michigan have to be some of the worst in the entire country. A little lower psi smooths her out a little and does not seem to effect mpg on the idiot gauge. I've been getting 26-28 on the highway and 22-24 mixed in my 2011 SEL FWD. I do use a few of Hypermiling tricks and they really do work.
  6. Hey Cal, have you seen anything on DX that you think might be a decent reverse LED? Gotta order a few Cree XML's anyway so I'm thinking of throwing in a few Reverse LEDS to try. By the way, great thread about the back-up light LEDs.
  7. Well, the slow boat finally got here yesterday. I installed the DX Festoons and they are really bright and very white. If you can wait a month, the DX 42mm Festoons are well worth $2.70 each. 15 bucks to convert all interior lights and license plate bulbs to LED!!!!
  8. I don't think many would have taken delivery of that thing. Looks like the hood is a mile off! At this point, I would try to deal directly with a ford rep. Almost looks like it may have taken a front end hit because of the hood and front doors being out of line. Maybe take it to a good bodyshop and have them check it over to see if any paint or bodywork has been done. Let us know what happens.
  9. I've done a few and they are not hard to do if you KNOW what you're doing. I now find it much easier to drop it off at the local Auto One store and give them $160.00 to install a nice Directed Electronics remote start. DEI makes some really nice remote starts. The one they just put in for me is a DEI Avital single button.
  10. The used market is hot right now. Why don't you sell the 2010 yourself? I know it's the easy way but I don't understand why anyone would go the trade-in route. If ya really think about it, you will be paying an extra $7000.00 for the 2011 if you take $13000.00 for your 2010.
  11. Sounds like a bad connection or blown fuse somewhere but this would not explain why the radio does not accept a CD. Maybe she just died. This would be a great time to upgrade to an aftermarket headunit with bluetooth and steering wheel control ability. If you wanna stay with the factory system there should be lots of them on E-bay. The basic Ford 6 disc MP3 headunit was used in a lot of Ford models. I, myself, would look to the aftermarket for a nice new headunit.
  12. Thanks R. Sounds like I can grab the wires were you did and just hide a small LOC behind the kick panel or even mount it under the dash for easy adjustments. I'm gonna get the front stage to sound good before I add my single 10. How is the Re-Q5 sounding with your sub so far?
  13. The basic single CD system in the 2011 Edge really sounds horrible. My 2010's basic stereo sounded way better. I really notice the difference during a conversation when my cellphone is hard wired into the AUX port.
  14. Great Pics! I was not a happy camper when I got stuck with a Mediterranean Blue 2011 but the color is starting to grow on me. Depending on lighting conditions, I have either a blue or a green Edge!
  15. I'm sure you got it but it's tough to get a good grip on those suckers. Please let us know what kit you are using and how the install turns out. I'm still thinking about going HID but all the reliability issues are kinda freakin me out.
  16. Anyone else getting high speed noise from the passenger side windshield wiper arm? Sounds like there is a piece of paper stuck to it. I noticed that they made a design change to the wiper arms for 2011 which may not have been such a good idea.
  17. Ya need part number 9. Maybe take it completely off and see what it looks like without the valance.
  18. 2011 SEL with factory basic single CD system. I want to tap into the front speaker leads behind the stereo to run a line level converter for a small amp and a set of Boston components. Anyone tear into the dash yet or is there a remote amp somewhere?
  19. I made one of these shelves out of a chunk of ABS plastic a few weeks ago. I don't like to hear things rattle around so I covered it with automotive carpet along with the bottom of the coin tray. Ford should hang it's head in shame for leaving out this cheap little tray. I don't see how anyone can get by without doing this simple mod!!!!!!!
  20. Yes, I don't think it's a good idea to use a rubberized undercoat for rustproofing as it would probably trap water in interior panels. A rustproofing product is much different then a undercoat product. 3M makes a few good rustproofing products that can be sprayed inside interior panels. Rubberized undercoat is strictly for underneath a vehicle and needs to be applied properly. If not done and maintained properly, it can actually do more damage then good. If done right, it can keep a "salt belt" vehicle's bottom rust free for a really long time.
  21. So are all these products pretty much the same? Is a waterless wash spray the same thing as a quick detail spray? I would guess that a really good microfiber towel is the most important part of doing this. The ones I have from Griot's Garage are really thick and plush compared to the ones I've seen at local stores. Any place local I can get a good deal on some nice MF towels?
  22. It could be what some call rail-dust. All vehicles get it but it really shows up on white. Most of my vehicles have been white over the years so I have dealt with it for a loooooong time. I always use a cleaner wax or a claybar to remove it. Google rail-dust when you get a chance.
  23. Was screwing around today and decided to try a waterless wash product that's been sitting on a garage shelf for a long time. This is the 1st time in about 20 years that I've owned a dark colored vehicle (2011 Mediterranean Blue) and the way it shows dust is driving me crazy. About a week ago the Edge received a nice claybar job and two coats of Zaino. Well, I grabbed the waterless stuff and sprayed some on the chrome grill and wiped it down with one of the Micro-fiber towels provided. To my surprise it worked awesome and I could tell that it was not scratching the surface!!! Only took me about 10 minutes to do the entire vehicle and she looks awesome. I would never try this if the Edge was more then just dusty but it's a great way to keep it nice and clean during long stretches of nice weather. Very handy product to have on the shelf! The product I used was from Griot's Garage and I'm not sure if it's a decent waterless system but it did a great job. The best part was not having to deal with waterspots! Judging from the amount of product I used, I would guess that the bottle I have would last for about 25 or so wipe-downs.
  24. Thanks wlepse! Please do let me know if you see a big difference at night. The increase should be about 650 lumens from the 9012 to 9011. I switched out the h11's for H9's on the low beams of my 2010 Edge, which is about a 750 lumen increase, and I could really notice a big difference. Maybe your 9011's are not that bright compared to the Toshiba 9011's or maybe an increase in lumens does not show as well in projector style lights. Wish I knew!
  25. I've been researching the best way to get more light out of the very weak 2011 Edge projectors. I was set to go with the Toshiba 9011 HIR bulbs but after looking at this thread I'm not so sure. The pics seem to show that these HID kits work really well in the 11 projectors and the highbeam flap system is an advantage with these. Looks to me like the beam pattern stays about the same as stock. I do a lot of driving on dark rural roads so I want to make sure that whatever mod I make is very durable. Is it pretty common for these ballasts to go bad? Anyone been operating an aftermarket HID kit for years without any problems?
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