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Everything posted by fishx65

  1. I kinda like the copper/orange color but I'd go for the blue. It looks a lot cleaner and I've always liked those rims. Prices seem about average but I would go through it with a fine toothed comb to make sure it didn't take any body shots.
  2. Sounds like you got the same ones I did Shantz. Even though it's easy to take care of the rapid flash, the white leds remaining lit with the turn signal is a big saftey problem. I might try and take apart one of mine and see if my buds on candlepowerforums can think of a way to get the white leds to turn off when the turn signal is activated.
  3. Does anyone have a few pics they can post of the stock HIDs? Would love to see the beam pattern on a garage door or wall and maybe even a few action shots.
  4. The swiveling tweeters on the Infinitys do work very well for the low mounted fronts in the Edge.
  5. I've always done T-fluid and filter changes myself. As long as they change the filter, clean the pan and magnet and use the PROPER fluid I think you are cool. If I did not do them myself, I would definitely take it to a good Ford dealership rather then trust a quick-change place. I'm always surprised how much material collects in the pan everytime I do the first T-fluid change on a new vehicle. I'm not a big fan of NOT changing the filter which so many tend to do these days.
  6. Please do Shantz. The ones I got were just under 9 bucks and they were cool enough to refund my Paypal because of the defective one. They didn't even ask me to send them back. Very curious to hear how yours work out.
  7. C, Gonna get the DDM's put in first, which should be here any day, and then maybe order a set of switchy's from V. Wish I could find the ones V sells for a normal price but I have not seen any type 1's besides his.
  8. Just got a cheap set I purchased on E-bay and they are really bad. One of them stays orange with the parking lights on and blinks white!!!! They also cause the fast blink and the white leds do not shut off when the orange ones blink. Only out 8 bucks so not a big deal but just wanted to let everyone know that the cheap e-bay switchbacks are garbage.
  9. Lots of good speaker choices out there. Like said earlier, almost any aftermarket speaker will sound a ton better then the junk ford put in these Edges. You may be happy just replacing the fronts so I would start there. The 94db sensitivity of the Kappas should work very well without adding an amp.
  10. Not sure why, but Zaino calls the Z-2 a "Show car polish". Both Zaino and Duragloss use the term polish for their wax/sealents even when they contain zero abrasives. The Z-2 Pro does not contain any abrasives so it has no cleaning ability and can be layered. I'm the farthest thing from an expert so maybe someone else can chime in and explain why these companies call there products polishes. I've always associated the term with polishing compound which I don't think I'd use on a new car 5 times a year!!!!!!
  11. I've had really good luck with all the leds I've purchased on e-bay for two Edge's. Has anyone purchased a set of these switchbacks from E-bay yet? Looks like I can pickup a set for around 10 smackers.
  12. NXT is a decent synthetic product but it does not last very long if you are a frequent washer. If you wax 4-5 times a year, NXT would work just fine. If you only wax once or twice each year or live in a northern climate, I would look into a more durable product. I tested NXT against Z2 many moons ago by doing half the hood of my 2003 F150 with each product just before the Michigan winter. The Z2 outlasted the NXT by a longshot. My leftover NXT keeps my ATV nice and shiney!!!!
  13. I've been using Zaino Z-2 for the past 10 years. Awesome product!!!! Extremely easy to apply and lasts longer then anything else I've ever tried. That said, I just picked up some Duragloss 105 to try. Not sure about the durability of the 105 yet but it is much more difficult to apply. Gonna give the 105 to my brother and stick with Z-2.
  14. Cd, I took a look for you. I tapped into fuse# 37 (Climate control 10 amp) on my 2011 SEL. Been working fine for many months.
  15. Might be a decent product but why take the chance. It's pretty easy to order proven sealents like Zaino and Duragloss.
  16. Looks awesome! I did the same thing with Trim Bright Film about a year ago and it's held up really well. What brand of hitch do you have on there Evil?
  17. You can purchase an extender which will give you the extra length you need.
  18. I've always driven Fords myself but have not been thrilled with all of them. My old 2003 F150 and 2011 Edge have been the best of the bunch. After 15,000 miles on the 11 Edge it still feels as solid as the day it was purchased. Hope it stays that way!!!!
  19. Seems to me this would benefit everyone except the consumer. Not cool in my eyes at all!!!!
  20. Thanks for taking the time to post the pics NC!! Looks like a nice clean install. If I remember correctly, Hidden and Drawtite are pretty much the same hitch for the 2010 so I would guess that the two are the same for the 2011+. Gotta get going on mine soon!
  21. I would also like to see a few hitches on the 2011+ Edges. Whatever brand I install, I want to make sure ya can't see any of the hitch's cross-member. Are most of you cutting a square out of the rear plastic on the 2011+ SEL's? I know that the Drawtite & Hidden looked really nice on the 2010 and below.
  22. Having had both a 2010 and 2011 SEL, I can tell you that your Edge rides a lot softer then the 2011 and up. The Edge seems light in the rear and can hit pretty hard back there while driving down bumpy roads. I was gonna try some Monroe Sensatracs in the back of the 2010 but never got the chance. I think my 11 rides awesome on the highway but the ride I get on most of Michigan's famous, torn up, city streets leaves a lot to be desired. I would guess that Ford uses the cheapest junk shocks they can get away with so it might be worth changing out the rears.
  23. Been really happy with the Husky Liners but the bend along each door sill was driving me crazy. Decided to do a little mod today to straighten them out. I cut one of those wooden paint stirring sticks down to about 5 inches and glued it to the outside of the Husky where it had the bend along the door sill. I used RTV sealent and clamped it down for about an hour. Straight as an arrow!!!!!
  24. No problem with V-leds here but, if ya know exactly what leds you're looking for, E-bay can save you a ton of green. I did a 2010 and 2011 Edge for around $18.00 each including the puddle lamps. I would guess that all these leds are made in the same Chinese factories.
  25. I had the same problem on my 2011 SEL. I spent 20 minutes trying to close the hood the first time I opened it!!!!! Real easy fix: Just loosen up the two or three latch screws and bring it up a little. Might be a good idea to mark the factory setting with a pencil just in case ya move it to much. The 2011 and up have a weather seal that fits really tight along the front edge of the hood. If ya don't trust your abilities, I would just run it over to the dealership and have them do it for ya.
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