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Everything posted by fishx65

  1. They look really nice and your Edge does too! Are the Sport rims chrome clad or the real deal?
  2. Very easy is to adjust your headlights down. If you don't know much about cars, just take it to the dealer and they will aim them properly. With your projectors, the high beams do not get brighter they just allow the light to project higher.
  3. I get great mpg with my 3.5 because I'm always paying attention and know how to do it. It's kind of a game to me. I have know doubt I could do way better driving the Ecoboost. I don't care what you drive, knowing how to increase mpg through driving habits will increase mpg more then anything else. The real-time mpg readout on our 2011+ Edges can really help drivers learn how to squeeze those extra miles out of each gallon of gas.
  4. I also went from a 150 to the Edge. Only time I miss the 150 is right now during deer hunting season.
  5. I also used Paypal but now I wished I used a Credit Card!!!!
  6. Nice! Edge not built in America but at least you are now giving your hard earned dollars to an American company. I'm an old 47 and still believe it's our duty!!!
  7. I might be interested Brandon. Shoot me a PM if ya don't hear from Simcole.
  8. Believe it or not, I get very close to the same MPG with my 2011 3.5 liter. Just drove up to do a little hunting in upper Michigan (489 miles) and got 27.2 mpg according to the idiot gauge. 4 hours at 75mph and 3 hours at 64mph. I would guess the ECO does much better in stop-and-go.
  9. I'm starting to get a few creaks in my 2011 at 25,000 miles. I've been beating the crap out of mine in the deer hunting woods which I'm sure does not help.
  10. Very good deal! They should sound really good. Make sure you get the tweets aimed for the best sound before you button her up. My fronts sounded best angled at the head of the opposite listener. I didn't switch out my back speakers so not sure what aiming point sounds best back there. I never liked the sound effect of highs coming from the back so I keep them turned way down.
  11. Just so ya know, the bracket is the cool part. You can probably 3M tape any holder you want to this bracket. I really like how it mounts in the dead center of the dash. As you can see, I don't have sync so I had to run a wire from the aux. jack.
  12. Finally found an awesome way to mount my cell phone! Was browsing around the auto section at Wallyworld and found a cheap MP3/Cellphone holder that works perfect. It comes with a bendable metal bracket with double sisded 3M tape attached. I was able to slide the bracket in the gap between the top of the center air vents and the dash. I then bent the bracket up to the position I was happy with. So, my phone now sits in the very middle of the center air vents within easy reach and vision. Sorry, don't know how to post pics but here is the link to the holder: http://www.walmart.c...der/16386509#rr It says it's a vent mount but it includes the metal bracket. I have a Motorola Droid 2 but I'm sure it will also work with many other phones including the Iphone. Sorry, don't know how to post pics and to lazy to learn! Thanks to KC, pics are in a post below.
  13. fishx65

    Dead Forum

    Is it just me or is this forum dying? Thought it would get better as more people picked up used Edges but that does not seem to be the case. I might have to sell the Edge and go back to an F150!!!!
  14. During cold winter months it's better to let a salt sprayed vehicle stay frozen rather then pull it in a warmer garage every night. More corrosion takes place when the salt/water combination is allowed to thaw. I read this on the internet a few times so it has to be true!! :yup:
  15. I agree, it's not all about mileage. There was a few threads on here about the front edge of the hood and tailgate seams rusting.
  16. It's just part of living in South East Michigan. Every vehicle I've ever owned here will start to show some hidden rust by 50,000 miles. My buddies 2010 Edge is starting in the same areas you described. This is not even close to being just a Ford problem. After 50,000 miles, I checked out a friends Lexus ES350 and the door seams were starting to rust. Benz is even worse. Living in this nasty salt belt, the 1st thing I do when I purchase a new vehicle is undercoat the undercarriage and rustproof all the rolled seems. This has worked extremely well for me over the years!!!! That said, I do think all auto manufacturers could do a much better job with rust prevention before we hand them our hard earned dollars. Do you keep your Edge in a garage during winter months?
  17. I think it's the price ya pay for the smoother ride of the 2010 and below. The 11 and up have much less body roll but ride a lot stiffer. I had both a 10 and 11.
  18. Thanks again WWW. To bad only a few of us Do-It-Yourselfers saw your thread.
  19. Looks like maybe it was a price mistake after all. I already had 3 in my cart but now it will only let me purchase 1 at that price. I tried to add more and got the unavailable message.
  20. According to the store manager, these are a closeout item (just the 5qt containers, they'll continue to stock the 1qt), when they're gone, they're gone. I guess he was right cuz it's still listed at $4.95. Might have to get greedy today and add a few more to my 11!!!!
  21. Scorpio, I've also been a Zaino user for 10+ years. Zaino Z2/Z1 to be exact. I ran out of Z about 7 months ago and decided to try the Duragloss 105/601 combo. The Duragloss results look good but I can already tell the durability is not gonna be nearly as good. Zaino Z2 is just an awesome product which I will be switching back to shortly. Detailing websites don't give Zaino much love but I would guess it's because they can't sell it themselves. Have you ever tried their Z-AIO product? Looks like they no longer sell the Z-1 so instead of getting the ZFX/Z2 I was thinking of ordering the All-In-One product.
  22. Joe, it's an online mistake so make sure you order them online, pay with Paypal or CC and do instore pickup. Pretty sure if ya just walk into a store to purchase them they will ring up at full price.
  23. I'm 48170. Just picked up 6 5qt jugs for $31.98!!!!! Guys at store were a little shocked and new it was a price mistake. Gonna go pickup the 5 more I just ordered at a different store. Think I'm set for oil changes for a few years!!!! Also, I've been ordering my 500s oil filters from Advanced for a while. I think they are just under 4 bucks each with coupon codes when you order them 4 or 5 at a time. Thanks again WWW!!!
  24. Thanks WWW!!! I just used Paypal and ordered 6 for instore pickup. Lets see what happens. This is obviously a huge price mistake!!!!
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