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Everything posted by fishx65

  1. Would be very cool to get an Edge in the air a little!!!!
  2. I thought the same thing but I think a lot of vehicles come with rear turn signals that flash red. I'm gonna pay closer attention for a few days.
  3. I've always wanted to replace my rear amber turn signal bulbs in my 2011 to red leds. I grabbed a pair of red 3157's the other day I found at a local store. Think I'll need resistors?
  4. HIDs work really well in the 2011-2014 Edge"s halogen projectors so ya might wanna go that route. I've had a cheap DDM 35/5000 kit in my 2011 for over 4 years and have been really happy with it. A few members have probably had 55 watt kits for quite a few years so maybe they can chime in with their experience. The difference in light output between the factory halogens and a set of HIDs is pretty good.
  5. Did you rent a brake tool kit from the auto parts store? Ya need it to turn in the rear pistons and they usually have that torx bit included. Makes the job much easier!!!! Kit is free to rent at Advance but ya gotta do a complete buy and return with a credit card.
  6. Did this years ago when I had the 2010 SEL. It really is a pretty big improvement. I actually miss driving behind a nice bright set of halogen reflectors.
  7. I agree. Back in my young punk days I had those AVS black out covers on the tail lights of my brand new white 1995 Ford Explorer. I looked really cool until I took a shot in the back from a Ford Escort. I was OK, he wasn't. I think the only reason I didn't get a ticket was because Mr. Escort had a few to many beers which kept the cops occupied. The next day I removed both the front and rear light covers.
  8. Saw this on another forum and thought I'd post it over here for those looking to make a simple speaker swap. Not sure if they're any good but they get decent reviews. Sensitivity is 90 which should be decent for a quick factory speaker swap. Both the 6.5's and 6x8's are on sale. Been over 25 years since I messed with the Kicker brand but the price is certainly right. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/kicker-cs68-6-x-8-coaxial-speakers-with-polypropylene-cones-pair-black/7741046.p?skuId=7741046
  9. I would guess that .000005% of owners ever use manual shift mode. 80% have probably hit the buttons by accident and wondered what the hack was going on!!!
  10. Ford has a bad habit of upping their quality in some years and letting it slide in others. I've driven all years of Edges and MKX's and really think that the 2011-2014 models have the best build quality by a decent margin. Most vehicles will start to develop some rattles after 3-4 years but getting them in the first 2 is a little ridiculous. Sometimes getting all McGyver, like you did, is better then letting a dealership mess with it!!!!
  11. Makes me kinda glad my 2011 SEL doesn't have MFT!!! Just getting ready to hit 80,000 miles and she's only been back to the dealership twice. Once for a new front emblem and just about a month ago for the throttle body recall. I also had the EVAP Purge valve go bad which I replaced myself in about 5 minutes.
  12. I agree and have done it many times cuz I like to keep my vehicles showroom new (It's a disorder!!) Just make sure ya towel dry it and then run it until it's completely dry.
  13. Maybe check to see if you reconnected all the hoses properly and then move on to the gaskets you replaced and check for leaks. From your description of how it's behaving it does sound like a vacuum leak.
  14. Many moons ago I picked up a brand new 2003 F150 FX4 Supercab. After 5000 miles I decided to replace the fake Ranchos with Sensatracs to see if it would be healthier for my teeth. I remember being able to feel the difference and she did seem to ride a little softer. Of course, after purchasing and installing the shocks myself , the softer feeling ride may have just been in my head!!!
  15. I also prefer softer riding vehicles these days and will soon be installing new shocks and struts on my 2011 SEL. Both my 2010 SEL and 2014 MKX had much softer suspensions then the 2011. I'm probably gonna try the Monroe OE Spectrums and see if they smooth her out at all. I guess another option would be to purchase a set of factory MKX shocks and struts. I'm sure springs also play an important role in ride quality but I'm not gonna go that far for a softer ride. I currently run 32psi in my 245/60/18's and it does smooth her out a bit.
  16. It does look like she may have had some AC work done and they forgot to reinstall a gasket. I'd usually just jam some steel wool in there to keep the critters out but that line probably sweats in the summer. Maybe pickup some peel-n-seal from a roofing supply store and have at it. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Peel-Seal-Instant-Waterproof-Repairs-6-in-x-25-ft-Aluminum-Roll-Flashing/1018733 Back in my old car audio days, I used this stuff for poor mans sound deadening.
  17. I've never had them inside my Edge but they chewed the heck out of the foam engine cover and hood liner. Looked like someone dumped a lawnmower bag right on top of my engine!!!!!!
  18. The Huskys are usually quite a bit deeper then the Techs which works better in snowy climates. I have the older model in my 2011 Edge and they can hold a ton of water which I just soak up with a towel every once in a while. I really like the look of the new Huskys compared to the old diamond tread pattern. Great investment if ya own your vehicle.
  19. Since the sound stops every time you apply the brakes I would assume it has something to do with the brakes. I know they replaced the pads and rotors but you could have a sticky caliper piston. Also a chance the new pads don't have the proper backing on them.
  20. Was wondering when local stores would finally start carrying these little round ones. These work great with the 11-14 Edge vents.
  21. Been thinking I need to clean my throttle body but I got a nice new shiny one installed today under the recall. Mine was still functioning fine at 80,000 miles but what the heck.
  22. I don't think I've ever had a Ford starter go bad in 34 years. I'm going with a weak battery. Seems like 4-5 years is the average lifespan of a Motorcraft battery these days. Mine lasted just over 4 in my 2011 SEL.
  23. That's pretty normal in the salt belts of Michigan. The previous owner probably parked it in an attached garage which makes salt damage even worse.
  24. How many miles did you end up getting out of your Yoko's? I've got about 15,000 on mine and they have been really solid with minimal wear. Could be cuz I lost my lead foot about 10 years ago when I turned 40..
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