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Everything posted by A.N.

  1. So the dealer diagnosis is a bad PCM, won't be here until Tuesday. At least I have a free rental through warranty and its a MKC. Not a huge fan so far but my wife loves it. Anthony
  2. So here's something new. Over the winter I had cracked the upper bumper cover, lower valence and driver's front fender liner hitting a snow windrow. It was fine for the rest of the winter and my plan was to replace it myself in the spring, fast forward to moday. The weather has been nice here so I decided to tackle the project. I had a local autobody shop order and paint a new bumper cover, I bought the valence and liner to install. (FYI apparently there is a core charge on the bumper cover, that was a new one for me) I took the bumper off and dissambled it all so I could replace what was cracked. While waiting for the autobody shop, I pulled the MKX out of the garage and on to the driveway to wash it, with the bumper cover off. Washed it off and when I went to put it back into the garage it wouldn't start. Pushing the "push to start" everything looks normal , except it won't turn over. (You can hear the fuel pump charge, or whatever that noise is). Putting the vehicle into accesory power, not just the radio mode, but the mode where you can turn the fan on and the menus light up but the vehicle isn't running. That is when the MIL lights come on, not when trying to start it (brake pedal depressed) MIL lights include; -Starting System Fault -Coolant Overtemperature (it isn't) -engine oil Low (not) -Fuel low (it isn't) -Stability faul -AWD -Collision Assist When I washed it, I didn't spray the hose directly on any engine components or exposed parts where the bumper cover was supposed to be. (some water probably dripped onto the radar sensor that sits in front of the rad, but thats it). I've tried disconnecting the battery, placing key fob into the slot in the cargo compartnent and jump starting it. The new bumper cover is back on and everything is the way it should be, and still won't start 2 days later. I am basically at the point where I am going to tow it to the dealer. Any thing else I should try before I tow it? Thanks. Anthony
  3. They are rivets and I had to drill them out. I was surprised to see them. Anthony
  4. Hey there, anyone know how to remove the metal rivets that hold the valence and lower bumper cover together? I got all the plastic ones out but these seem tricky. These are on the outside edges of the lower valence and the outer edges that hold the lower and upper bumper covers together. Anthony
  5. With 8.5s I wouldn't go with any offset higher than 45 and with 9.5, 35mm would be the highest. I would go with a 8.5 and 35mm offset, it will only be 2.3mm closer to the brakes/suspension and give a nice poke of 10.4mm . Anthony
  6. The Explorer Sport 20" wheels are 9" wide and an offset of 44mm and the 20" Edge wheels are 8" wide with a 39mm offset, so the Explorer wheels are 17.7 mm closer to the suspension/brakes, the Explorer wheels are a 41mm offset (with the 3mm spacer) and sits it 14.7 mm from the suspension/brakes. The 22" Edge wheels are 9" wide and 39mm offset. Anthony
  7. You know, they may not be self-levelling. They swivel on start up to show you that it's working but they don't dip down. Maybe that's why you can adjust the height aim. I alway thought it was a requirement in Canada to be self levelling but I can find any info on that. I knew that headlight washers wasn't required. Thanks for all the input. Anthony
  8. Update: Instead of waiting to go to the dealer. I decided to check the manual and the HIDs can be aimed/reaimed with an adjustment screw. So now after being reaimed they seem pretty good. I wonder why they were like that from the factory? It had 9km on it when I bought it. Anthony
  9. They are self leveling, that's why I think there's a problem. Once on the road, I met up with a new grand cherokee with factory hids and his were slanted downward similar to the Mercedes. The MKX's slant upwards. It also basically makes my high beams pretty much useless even to the point where I cannot actually see them turn on. Anthony
  10. Hi everyone, First time poster, long time creeper. I have a 2011 LIncoln MKX (Canadian model) with the factory HIDs. I feel the lights are aimed too high, has anyone else had this problem? We have had this car now since May and even since the first day I drove it at night I have gotten flashed by other driver. Most often it is by cars that I have passed on a 2 lane highway and even a couple of semis (just got back from a 1600km trip with some night driving), as soon as I get infront of them they give me their highs. My other car also has factory Bi-Xenon (mercedes) and I have never had this happen to me. (It is a car though not a CUV/SUV) I will be getting them to check the aim when it goes in for the first service. Anthony
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