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Everything posted by Ender519

  1. Your flawed logic of comparing bugs in software to physical defects on the car's exterior doesn't hold water. No matter how you cut it, MFT is a rather complicated system - and entire OS - and even the best OS's out there are LOADED with bugs. Having so many updates to the software (plus a rewrite coming) is far more support than I've ever seen in most devices, much less systems like these. No one is going to argue that MFT is perfect - it certainly is not. Personally I have some trouble keeping my phone connected via bluetooth. But for the most part it works fine, and for the majority of people it works fine. You are raising the bar to place that cannot possibly be reached by ANY in car system.. Go look in the forums for BMW and Mercedes' in car systems if you don't believe me. You knew what you were buying when you bought it. You want something that works 100% of the time? Go find a car that has nothing but switches and knobs. I will liken this to a flip phone vs a smartphone. The flip phone probably work 100% of the time.. but it cannot do even a fraction of what the smartphone can. What's the trade off for the smart phone? Lower battery life, some things more complicated, and sometimes it messes up and you have to reboot it or pull the battery. Even on someone as polished as an iPhone. People live with that because the benefits outweigh the problems. This system is cool and everyone I show it to fawns all over it. It can be improved but I don't think its so bad as everyone makes it out to be.. Sheesh. Oh and for the record, I think Ford does a terrible job of communicating updates when they are available and especially communicating what has changed in one version vs the next.
  2. On my Edge, even with everything set to bright (both the physical control to left of steering wheel and the settings on 8" LCD) the displays still dim, and the speedometer dims pretty significantly. By now I have pretty much learned to live with it, but I always liked the really bright analog dials on electroluminescent displays (like Lexus, etc) and during the day the speedo is nice and bright.. wish I could make it stay that way. Small grumble but hey
  3. I saw those before, and it seems to affect the big 8" touchscreen, but not the speedo and the two smaller LCD's.. were you able to find a way to keep them bright on your Edge?
  4. I have a 2011 Ford Edge Limited that I picked up a few days ago, and I've noticed at night that the lighting on the speedometer and the two LCD's on either side get pretty dim, even when the brightness is turned all the way up. During the day they are much brighter.. I wish I could make the display not dim at all. I've already figured out how to do this on the 8" touchscreen as there is an option for that, but I can find no such option on the dash.. anyone have any tips or tricks?
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