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  1. anyone just know what the piece is called??
  2. there's two black shiny paces on both doors in between the windows...... .. and for the life of me i cannot remember what they are called... but the one on the drivers door has a ding in it..... i haven't tried dry ice, because the piece feels plastic.... can this be replaced? thanks guys~
  3. wow... thanks for your reply man~.. awesome info!!!!... putting a cart together now!! thanks again Richy!!!
  4. Thanks... i'm really thinkin about the Cquartz.......... let me ask you this... what grain clay bar.. .. the 100?... i just want to make sure i get this right before i order...... and thanks in advance.. and again, any suggestions please~... this will be my first big detail.. normally i just wash and wax. but this one i want to do right! wash/dry http://www.detailedimage.com/Einszett-1Z-M46/Perls-Shampoo-P468/500-ml-S1/ claybar/lube http://www.detailedimage.com/DI-Packages-M29/DI-Medium-Grade-Clay-Bar-100g-Clay-Lube-P506/ polish. http://www.acehardwareoutlet.com/productdetails.aspx?sku=8026049&source=GoogleBase Sealant http://www.autogeek.net/cquartz-kit.html?productid=cquartz-kit&channelid=FROOG this sound about right.. or am i on the right track? thanks!
  5. i've been following this.... we have the Earth Metallic.... ... i want to clay bar........ so if i'm right.. wash....dry..... clay....polish ...seal??.....5 step?... looking at the CQuartz website now!
  6. This was not installed in my edge.. is this something you can add afterwards?.. .. Adaptave Cruise i think ... something that can be programmed? if this is in the wrong section, please move!.. thanks.... Thanks in advance!
  7. they say you can use dry ice on those small :hail: like dents~.. i'm gonna try that this weekend~... they also say you can use a hairdryer , get it hot, then turn a can upside down and spray it... where it comes out ice, said that will fix.. i'll let you know, i'll try and grab some pics.
  8. welcome ,man.... our edge rocks!....
  9. i'd call and verify that your warranty will cover that then get it in .. before it runs out!... i've never heard that myself.. but we just got this edge~
  10. man.. i dont... i'm dealing with a ding on the black part .. drivers door.. eye level... grrr. its a little nipple.. i tried ice. but only got a little out`~.. fun stuff... .thats 2nd day dent too!
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