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Everything posted by Tetos

  1. Hi. I am from Dubai and have been using my Edge 2011 from April. Just did my first 10k service. My overall rating on a scale of 1 to 10 is 8. Thought it was guzzling a lot of gas initially, but am happy to have the detailed trip record show 13L/100kms in other words 7.7 KMPL inside Dubai roads. If on highway, recorded about 9L/100Kms (about 11.11 KMPL). Had a problem initially with my Nokia E71 bluetooth paring. It was erratic and wouldnt pair always. Checked with the dealer and found that they had this problem with all the E series phones. I have replaced the phone with a Galaxy SII and the connections now are always perfect. However, the phone book photo doesnt load on the screen. Regarding the the touch - let us all accept that you cannot compare this touch to the one which you see on an Iphone or a galaxy. Keep in mind that this touch is much primitive to the phones' touch, and it is a CAR which you are driving. Personally speaking, I would have preferred to have a remote to operate the devices (especially browsing the songs). Not that Im not liking the touch features but for the ease of use. In my experience, the touch features on the screen are very handy while using Radio, Phone book, temperature control, and devices. To say touch is CRAP is not justified, and I would never agree to this point. The touch features work well, but a lot depends on how long they will work. As of now, all my touch features are working and Im happy with it. Used to get irritated when my phone was not pairing. but now it is fine. One sad part is the GPS/Navigation is not available for the UAE. I was told that this is expected soon, but my dealer now doesnt want to commit on a time frame. Thats the only drawback I felt. To answer the original post - The MFT is a latest sophisticated feature which one could fancy having. If you are not a gadget geek and would love to have basic things running, then MFT is great to have. But if you want to launch a satellite from MFT - its not possible. GO ahead, try it and you will definitely love the beast.
  2. After months of analysis and evaluations , I got my Ford Edge 2011 Limited AWD yesterday. Just getting to use the car and my initial impression is - WOW!!!! Will keep posting experiences and would love to hear from the group.
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