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Everything posted by akedge

  1. Same thing on my 2011 white sport. Took it to the dealer and they took some picture, submitted it to ford and ford approved some treatment that the shop does. It takes 2 days to complete and they treat the entire vehicle. They service shop also mentioned rail dust. Take it back to the dealer for service.
  2. Even with the instructions from AXCL the dealer could not do anything? Too bad, I was hoping to go back to my dealer with a copy and try again. I may just wait and see if someone post a TSB number.
  3. I picked up my 2011 Sport AWD 2 weeks ago and had this happen once while driving home from the dealer with about 25 miles on the Edge. Came to a stop and started accelerating slowly, then felt and heard a violent bang. Kind of freaked me out, but everything seemed okay so I was hoping it was a one time thing. The next time it happened the Edge had about 400 miles on it and my wife was driving. She slowed down to go around another car and when she got back on the throttle it banged twice in a matter of seconds, almost like we got rear ended twice. It shook her up enough that she made me drive after that. Took it to the dealership, they could not find any problem and they were not able to re-create the problem. After speaking with the mechanic, he told me that unless something comes up in the diagnostic codes or they can re-create the problem there really wasn't anything they could do. I'll just keep driving it and see if enough people have the same issue then ford may realize that there may be a problem. Really like this vehicle and am not too concerned yet because I still have another 3 years of warranty too go, but I hope they figure it out.
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