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Victor Wolansky

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Everything posted by Victor Wolansky

  1. I'm 6' 8.5" driving a Edge Limited with Vista roof, which takes a few inches of the available space, and I have no problem, I fit well, there are probably 2 inches between my scalp and the roof
  2. I guess I have to revise my driving habits and how I get out of the stops..... My Edge computer said 14MPG today.....
  3. For very tall people this is sometime good, because is a way to rest our legs, just lean against the console, because our super long legs does not hung on the edge of the seat, so if we do not have anything on the sides to lean against, we end with the leg super tired after a long drive.
  4. It is fine.... I can't say I'm like in a first class airplane seat... but even those are small for us.... I feel comfortable, my head does not rub the roof, and most important, someone can seat behind me.
  5. What is totally absurd these days is that they have to make a phone call to get the data, and that you can get only one at once. They should team up with a cellphone carrier like Garmin does, my Garmin is fabulous, I can Google search directly from the unit anywhere and get instan results, and if I send something from google maps, it gets to the unit immediately. Using the phone as an old 56K modem is antiquated and slow. Also the iPhone app for sync, a really nice concept and super fast to find places, but having to call services to get the places and go through that slow and awkward menu to get to the favorites, is slow... And don't even mention the pain it is if you English is less than perfect.
  6. I have on my Mazda a Garmin where you can select voices of celebrities, and also (we speak spanish) there is a voice in Spanish with an accent so strong that we use it just for fun, every turn we LOL to death :-)
  7. Weird... there is nothing on the fuse 29 on my ford edge 2011.... any ideas where that magic fuse is??? Manual does not says it either...
  8. Thousand feet???!!!!! I've tried today to start it from inside of the locker room on the gym, and didn't worked... I guess it can be a 1000 feet without anything in the middle....
  9. I've read the manual a few times and I do not remember seeing any option for that....
  10. at night yes, it turns ON, but I don't know how long it takes once it cross the threshold, I have to do a few tests on the street, going into a tunnel or something. I'll let you know what the dealer says...
  11. It is very good, the only drawback is that the computer that run all that seems to be from the 70s...... if you do not mind the lag on response from your commands or touches, you will love it.
  12. I do... but I'm 6' 8.5" ... so that is my curse......
  13. Sorry.. bad English.... when you go into the garage, after you opened the door, press the gas, and you are finally inside, the company what I work for have a big garage, I have to drive inside probably like 80 yards to get to my parking space, and is pretty dark, my Mazda tun on the light in a fraction of a second, but the Ford takes a few minutes... yes... minutes..... is that how is supposed to be?
  14. Sorry, you mean the light inside of the garage?? It is pretty dark, I can hardly see anything... anyway I will have the dealer checking into it, but just want to know what is other people experience about it. Thanks!!
  15. Hi! On a Ford Edge 2011 Limited, the light are on AUTO, it takes about 3 or 4 minutes to go ON when I step into the garage, is that normal?? I think is way too much,it should be at much a few seconds, wht if you are driving in you step into a dark tunnel? it should be almost instantaneous... Any ideas? Thanks
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