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Victor Wolansky

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Everything posted by Victor Wolansky

  1. Imagine... A 128kb mp3 is the minimum you can use to not hear much compression. iTunes sell 256kb mp3.. Sirius see 48 to 56kb on the streams... Just trash...
  2. Well, that is what happen when people that make cars start making software :-)
  3. That learning curve need to be executed privately, closed doors, or with beta testers who didn't paid $45k for a vehicle or who signed up to be a test subject. I didn't buy a product in development. I purchased the top of the line in technology, and I was given something that is very promising, and something I believe can be great, but at this point have way too many problems to be considered ready to be used. Going back to my original question, what is the hardware? How we know it is really bad coded software only? I'm not saying I do not trust what has being said here, I'm just a big computer freak that want to know what is behind my Edge Sync Touch. I got my car back today, dealer told me installed the latest updates, but what is weird that all was exactly as I left it, no data lost, nothing was reset. And there is no new reports on my Sync on the update website, yes I see there was a lot of downloads on the update history, but is like 10 downloads of the same with yesterday date. Too soon to tell if is fixed, still feel slow If this is actually runing on Windows, I hope they ditch Flash for good, get good coding people and use a better language or platform for programing. I've seen programs running 10 times faster after ditching Flash. For example, the animations of the Nav system on the small LCD screen run many times faster than the main screen, I know, it is a smaller screen, but there is no lag at all. May be this CPU does not have the horse power to render all the Flash graphics? I only hope to not see the 2012 vehicles coming with much better hardware and software and we the first ones to pay finance the learning curve and investigation to be told we are not eligible for those updates.
  4. As far as I know you can pay for only the travel link without being subscribed to the radio....
  5. What for you want privacy with Sync lady uhh??? :-)))))
  6. I agree music program is better, but sound quality is so bad to me that I rather hear free FM, which does not sound as good of course,but is free, or FM HD which sound better than Sirius and is free. I rather use that money to buy music.
  7. I have never seen such a level of frustration among users, part of my job is to test software, every day, I do it for several companies, from cheap $500 software to $300K one user license software, and I have never received a piece of beta software so beta as Sync Touch. Be honest, of you buy a computer or gadget or GPS with so much trouble? Do you keep it? Or you get your money back next week? This thing is the core of the car, and cause so much distraction to the driver that is actually unsafe. I'm surprised Ford has not recalled it yet.
  8. Tagging on the Edge Sirius? I've seen the alert thing, but not a TAG button, only on the FM HD I've seen tagging.
  9. Oh.. I see, pretty intelligent then :-) I tied today, and I set the temperature to 60, to see f was going to turn on the AC, but it didn't I guess because the outside air was cold enough to not need to use the compressor.
  10. page 40 of the Ford Touch supplement booklet.... now... can some one explain me how they can publish something, without actually testing it. That is a liability.... is like saying that the car have 5 wheels and then sell it with 4 because it just didn't worked...
  11. hmmm..... I could swear I've read that it was possible.... may be I'm wrong... let me read the manuals again....
  12. Thanks, that makes sense, if it is needed to defog, I'll let it run, just wanted to be sure is the intended way and not another of the many bugs I'm experiencing. Now, what it does not makes much sense is that if is for defogging that it blows only on my legs and not on the windshield....
  13. I think that is possible already, but only with a few phones, I remember reading about on the manual.
  14. Hi! On an edge 2011 Limited, when using the Climate on Auto, I set it to 71F, and sometimes when I start the car, it start blowing immediately, and it blows cold air, shouldn't wait till the car get the heater at the right temperature to start blowing? All is in auto,even the fans, so I'm not actually controlling anything. Also I noticed that sometimes the AC light is ON, sometimes the AC is off, again all being in Auto. Is the system intelligent enough to turn on and off that automatically? Or not make the AC part to work if not needed even if is ON? I presume that the car will use more gas is the AC compressor is working than is not, and also makes no sense to have the AC compressor working if the can need to raise the temperature instead of lower it. Thanks
  15. Not sure if you can do that, but if you create your favorites online, on your syncmydrive website, or using Destinations app for mobile phones, you can send them o your NAV system. The only problem is that you can download one by one only, there is no way to download them all at once.
  16. I see that happening every time after a crash... I think is a way to cover the booting up, or a routine check when booting. But definitely seen it after crashing.
  17. I'm just interested on the facts, what the hardware is, where you got it from, if you can't say, I can imagine. But what I can imagine of the specs, is that my very first iPhone was a super computer compared to this.
  18. I just wonder how he knows or sustain that, without knowing the specs of the hardware, pure curiosity, not to put in doubt what he say, but I do like facts, not "I know because I know" Same reason why I do not always buy CR reports until I see with my own eyes and try with my own hands :-). Like I said before, I would totally love to be 200% wrong. I'll let you know if my experience change this Friday after the dealer service.
  19. Does he works for Ford? I always wondered if Ford people read this forum and take notes of suggestions and problems.
  20. And you know this because??... Do you have any insight I dont? I have not being able to find any specification on the hardware they are using. Neither I've seen one running at a better speed than mine, and tried in a few Edges at the Washington Auto Expo and the dealer. Just to do a comparison to what I feel, and old iPhone 3G feels like a super computer in comparison to the Edge hardware... for what I've seen so far... may be I'm too exigent? Or have the bad luck that every vehicle I tried have the bad software installed?? Time will tell I guess. I hope I'm proved wrong.
  21. Good to hear you have a good experience. Do you mean you touch the screen to let's say write a street address and the thing respond in a way that you can write let's say at the speed you type on any phone? Not have to wait about a second per letter? Or hit the home button and takes about 4 seconds to react? I'm curious because this difference makes me wonder if Ford is using different hardware on more recent 2011 Edges.
  22. It can't be that difficult. The problem is the people that is "OK" with a super slow CPU on their $40K+ car..... Me, I will make my voice to be heard. I will complain and call the dealer every day if I have to until Ford gives me something that does what they said it does. Only if every Ford owner with a Sync Touch system do this, then may be Ford will be forced to revise those lame slow CPUs and incredibly buggy system. You can't be "OK" with a computer, you must totally love it, as you do with anything new you get.
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