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Victor Wolansky

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Everything posted by Victor Wolansky

  1. Yes, the LTD have great bass, actually when I bought my subwoofer for home, I used the same CD to test the subwoofer on the car, and it is pretty decent, have really good pressure. Speakers on the front door have a very good kick too.
  2. Thanks! I'll give it a try, I guess that will change the amount of darkness needed, but not the time once reached that level. I entered a tunnel a few days ago, the light turned on about 500 yards into the tunnel. That is dangerous. My Mazda turn on the light even if I drive under the shade of a tree... Is not like we are receiving a bill at the end of the month and we want to save money on electricity right???
  3. Yes they can force them by revoking their right to sell a car if they don't have enough certified techs to service what they sell. Because is not like you can go directly to Ford by skipping the dealer if you don't like him or trust him. The dealer is as far as you can go into get your car fixed, so by all means, the dealer is Ford itself for the client who have no other option if a problem happens.
  4. Customers remain highly satisfied with SYNC and 80% say that they would recommend it to others, Where they get those numbers from????? Do they read this forum?????
  5. I hear so many stories about techs and service, that I wonder if they actually know anything about computers.... is Sync Touch too much for these technicians? I mean.... ho hard can be to update a computer? How can they have people working doing that without being certified first that they can do it?
  6. Man... so sorry.... I don't get it? they don't test stuff before say it is ready?? My dealer also told me that my camera was fixed and 2.7 installed, still 2.4 and camera still twisted... they are the worst...
  7. Wait a secon... They returned the car like that to you and you took it???
  8. I don't think it will unless you have a program that emulates an MP3 player on that USB or share a drive over the USB with the right protocols as a mass storage device. Highly unprovable.
  9. Definitely my car does not have those updates.... They had the car for two days for nothing......
  10. Had to take my car in for a small service, but I was given a Lincoln MK S.... and I could not hear the compression..... but.... BUT.... it was because the awful set of speakers on that car... this shows you that THX is giving their logo rights of use to ANYONE that pays the fee..... The system was merely reproducing any frequency over 8Khz.... and I checked the tone controls... the speakers on the door are only woofers, the mid range is on the dashboard facing the windshield so you actually hear the bounce against the glass, and mid rage sounds like if the speaker is inside of a tin can....... there is a total void of frequency response from about 300HZ to 1Khz...... (have tools to test it....) Really awful compared to the sound on my Edge with stock speakers... I'm glad the Edge does not have the same system....
  11. I did, and also checked the XML file itself of what was installed on the console.... can you post what is installed in yours after 2.7 was installed so I can tell my dealer to stop kidding and check correctly those numbers? Do you know what else fixes? does it fell any faster? Thanks
  12. Yes,I pulled it, but unless there is a "rotation" setting on the setup menu they can access and we can't. For me it is a matter of how the camera is mounted. Or that the technician knows nothing about what he is doing. I was told that they updated to 2.7 and it is not.... and they swear they did it..... so not sure how competent they really are.
  13. Well... dealer sent me a copy of the chat with their own technical support hotline.... Ford is practically telling...screw you...it is what it is... there is no way to install it in other way. I guess I will have to do it myself....
  14. I did, the report tells me that is still 2.4, in fact, I have read the XML file and there is no difference with what it was before taking the car in... chatted with support and they confirmed the same... is my dealer insulting my intelligence?
  15. Is there a way to find out which version is installed? My dealer never report back to the website what was installed....
  16. Well.... after two days of leaving my car at the shop.... after they calling me the first day saying that they need another day because the camera was still not straight, and after calling me next day saying that all was perfect.... I'll let you be the judge if it was fixed or not, Look at the pictures and check if you can tell was the before and the after.....
  17. Yes, it is normal, in fact, on the videos on ow to use the product and all the brochures, you see them too,and it is a good thing for two reasons,1, it gives you an idea of how close you really are, since you can see when you are about to touch something with the bumper, and 2, you can know if the camera is straight, since the bumper have to look perfectly horizontal, if not, your camera is crooked and you have to be careful because you can scratch your rims thinking you are actually parking perfectly parallel and you are not. My camera is going to be replaced this Thursday since is crooked about 7 degrees, which is enough to make me hit the curbside every time to park with the front wheel.
  18. I hope they fix some of the huge problems too, not only a clock calendar thing...call it 2.7 just for that? What about the constant indexing of devices? the constant problems to connect phones? Or the voice recognition not recognizing anything? Or the album arts not showing correctly. The general slowness of the whole thing...
  19. There is a lot of people that can hear the difference between AM and a CD :-). The compression used is accPlus, and no more tha 64 Kbs, if you are lucky, so it is certainly trash. Some receivers have DPS that can make it easier for the ears, but it is still reconstructed sound and to me is trash.
  20. You are correct, although, I have never got a traffic report yet that saved me from a bad traffic situation from them, mostly because the time that takes for accidents to be reported and get that report delivered to your unit. Sometimes that report takes about an hour to happen, at least in Virginia where I live. I get much faster reporting on my iPhone with Google maps and in my regular GPS. May be for other areas where traffic is much worst makes a difference? Not in here for me.
  21. So will you be driving to a place with wifi to get your emails? It might be cheaper to get the cheapest iPhone which have a keyboard that will let you type you password without making you want to kill yourself.... Have you ever typed anything on that screen? It could take 5 minutes to answer a 3 lines email.... After the latest updates, it works better, but I still think it can be a nightmare to type a web address on a keyboard that limit you to a 1 character per second...
  22. thanks, good to know! There is no way I will pay for the music content... does that plan have a name for when I get to do it? Thanks
  23. There is a very important update that only can be installed by the dealer, it change things a lot. And it is actually considered a recall. 10B something is the code,.... I have to check on my papers, I got it 2 weeks ago, and changed things to better. Still have weird and unfinished things. But it is much better.
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