Have a 2007 Edge fwd. Have had no problems until recently would not start shortly after being driven a few minutes earlier. Could not find similar thread.
Turns over fine, not a battery issue. Fuel pump not making noise. Plenty of fuel in tank. Checked and switched around relays and fuses with no apparent fix. Jiggled wires above fuel tank/pump, with no apparent fix. Tapped (banged) on bottom of tank... seemed to work... turned key, fuel pump comes on, car cranks and runs fine for another week without even a sputter.
Same thing again... no fuel pump noise, car not starting after being driven earlier that morning... did all of the above again... relays, fuses, tank wires, banging on tank... and this time reset the inertia switch in the back quarter panel. Nothing.
Sits for 2 days, go to put in nuetral and roll back... put key in, turn key on, pump runs, car cranks and runs fine.
Trying to avoid removing fuel pump from tank if there is any other possible solution. Any other thoughts or better ways to test relays for intermittent failure?
Also, any idea what the fule pump diode is/does? Located with the relays and fuses, but just looks like a small black opaque fuse. I think it keeps power from traveling one way, but not sure if it can fail or how to check.