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Everything posted by pmoney

  1. Good looking car. Congrats! Got any thoughts regarding how it compares to your CX7?
  2. The wind issue seems prevalent in almost every suv I have driven. My dad's highlander has an absolutely awful wind noise with one of the back windows open just a crack. I drove an rental expedition el for the past two weeks and while the noise was present (only with the window all the way down), it was much more bearable than the highlander, and could be completely bypassed by cracking any other window in the car a tiny bit. I have also noticed the problem in my buddy's jeep.
  3. Yeah the SE doesn't come with the fogs. Do you mean wireless remote as in a separate switch to turn them on from inside the car? I was hoping that the OEM parts could be used and meshed properly with the current headlight controls.
  4. Well this certainly is easing my fears. I did not realize that o/d in the edge would lock out 5 and 6, nor that Low = 1 and 2, not just 1. I engine brake a lot, not because it saves the brakes (brakes are cheaper than the engine) but because it gives you a lot more control of the vehicle. I just got back from 2 weeks camping in Utah and we rented an Expedition EL, now that truck was a beaut, but too big for my needs. It annoyed me to no end that when we are rolling down 12% grades on a dirt road my buddy was refusing to drop the gear from D to 3 or lower. He likes to ride the brake apparently; according to him, downshifting is for semi trailers. Another little question, I would be looking at a base model SE AWD, is it possible to retrofit the fog lights?
  5. Hi everyone, I need to get a new vehicle sometime within the next year. I will probably be able to stretch out till next spring, but its never too early to start looking right. I really like the edge, but I kind of have one hang up. The Gear selector only allows you Drive and Low (and O/D). I live in upstate ny with a lot of hills and lots of snow and having the ability to use something like a D321 (as in the expedition, and just about any other car out there, like our family's subie wagon) or even my dad's highlanders D2L (and o/d) makes a big difference allowing you to engine brake on snowy hills. I can't imagine why ford didn't simply add in a 2 or even 3,2 selection on the gearbox. I guess the only reason I can think of is that it may have been originally designed for the CVT that is in the 500/montego/freestyle. Is the Low selection usable at 30-40mph or is it truly a 1st gear type of thing? I really wish they simply had a few more selections here, because I would like to consider the edge, but I may have to go the route of the turbo 4 banger with the cx7 which has an 'autostick'. Thanks in advance!
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