Hello everyone. I have a new 2011 edge with 18" chrome clad wheels. I just had it washed for the first time. When I got home from the carwash i noticed that there appears to be an "adhesive" of some sort stuck to the chrome wheels. Looks like someone stuck some duck tape to them, let it dry, and then peeled it off, leaving some adhesive behind. In some areas there is actually a thin film of plastic peeling from the wheels. Looks like there was a plastic film to protect the wheels that was never peeled off before delivery. Is this the "problem" that appears throughout this forum, or something else? It is uniform all over the spokes (center and near the edges). It looks like some "goobegone" might clean it up, but i don't want to damage the wheels further. Anyone have any ideas of what this is?
Also, on another note, has anyone purchased snow chains/cables for these 18" tires? If so, anyone have a suggestion of a brand/type that won't ruin the chrome? Can the hubcaps be removed before chains put on?
Thanks for help.