So I too got conned and was told that I could upgrade the standard factory radio on my 2011 Ford Edge SE aftermarket. I have had my Edge since December 2010 and I want the cool technology that everyone else has dangit! Anyway, started to go to car audio specialty stores in my area to see if I could upgrade to something similar to what Mighty Noid has. I was told that since there are no dash kits out for the 2011 Edge, that it would be a custom job. I am now being told that since the circuit board in the dash is one unit that also controls the a/c - the only way to get it to work is if the place can get a company in China to provide a separate circuit board for the A/c and basically cut-up and modify the bezel to make it work. I am currently waiting to see if such a circuit board is even made right now.
That being said, I am curious how Noid got his system to work due to this issue? Anyone else know how this could possibly work or am I seriously SOL? I was also told by the car audio place that they could get one of those flip out navigation systems to work - but not sure what the difference would be as the circuit board in the dash is still one unit?
Any help would be greatly appreciated as no matter what I do this won't be cheap.