Beats me, any idea what the APIM module is and what it's function is? I'm guessing it's the expensive computer module that has a solid state drive or memory module with all the Microsoft software and processor that controls the MFT system?
Found this on another forum:
'09 SYNC phone / USB malfunction and solution...
This may be helpful in case anyone else experiences their SYNC module going brain dead.
Saturday afternoon while running errands I went to play some music, which I usually play from a thumb drive with MP3s, and when I pressed "media" on the nav radio, I got FM radio instead. Some more futzing and no-go on the media functions, good and hosed. Shortly after I was going to make a call with the SYNC speakerphone, and once again found no-go. No phone connected, wouldn't connect, no phonebook and trying to go into "advanced settings" got me a screen with blank fields. I gave up fiddling and got on with my errands.
Sunday more fiddling, "factory reset" from the regular radio menu had no effect (didn't expect one), and the "factory reset" for the SYNC module is in the phone "advanced settings" screen which was blank, so no factory reset possibility there.
I looked in both the SYNC guide as well as the service manual CD and didn't find a whole lot of useful information beyond confirming that both thse problem functions resided in the SYNC "APIM" (Accesory Protocol Interface Module) module, and it's location behind and to the right of the glove box next to the IFS (Inertia Fuel Shutoff).
At any rate, you drop the glove box door open fully by pressing in the little stop bumper on the right side, pull out and slightly up to remove the trim panel to the right with the air vent, then pull the trim cover with the IFS access port off in order to get some access to the APIM module.
The APIM module is a black rectangle, with one larger black harness connector with a gray latch arm, and one small black connector which is the USB connection. There is a second USB port that is not connected.
It's a bit awkward since the connectors face back towards the front of the truck, but you press back on the big connector just above the gray latch tab and swing the gray latch tab up and around to disconnect the connector.
I left the module disconnected for a few minutes while I went in to get a soda, then returned and reconnected it. After reconnecting, the APIM module began behaving normally, and it didn't loose any settings either. The phones that were paired with it were still there, along with the phonebook entries.
Basically, after a year and a half of continuous operation, the SYNC module needed a hard reboot.
Disconnecting the module isn't as difficult as it sounds, once you've done it once. It's just a bit difficult to describe. If you find yourself with a similarly brain dead SYNC module, this might save you a trip to the dealer, and if out of warranty, $$$.