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Everything posted by tayfont15

  1. Hey man I think it looks killer! I love the smoke lights look. And to anyone who thinks this is a safety issue, get your EYES checked. I have seen hundreds of blacked out lights and I always see turn signals day or night. Thanks for the pics
  2. The tail light controversy is always going to be there. I received 2 fix it tickets in California for my last truck....however all I had to do was have an officer sign off on the ticket and it cost me nothing. Plus I didnt have to change the lights back. If you get the right tinting spray the lights will still show through red. I got some stuff straight from Japan, it worked great.
  3. How does it drive in the snow, that is one thing im worried about because I drive to tahoe alot to go snowboarding.
  4. Hey everyone just wanted to introduce myself in here. I just ordered a 2011 Edge Sport AWD from ford. It takes about a month and half to get it from the factory but I am very excited to pick it up. For everyone who has one what are your pros and cons on the vehicle and what types of modifications have you done and recommend. I hope you all have a happy new year! ~Tayfont~
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