Ford won't do anything. They have no reset procedure.
Sirius won't do anything, they say take it to Ford.
I stopped in at the dealer, they looked in the service manual, there is no Hard Reset for that unit.
They did some thing on the head unit to see if it was logging any errors, and none.
Vehicle is no longer under warranty, so $600 to replace.
I don't think the hardware is faulty, but this is because of a software bug, as they activated fine for the preview.
Something happened when it took activation.
My theory is that inactivated radios listen to the data stream for instructions.
When they received the instruction to activate, it did.
When it received the instruction to deactivate, I think also deactivated itself from "listening" to the data stream as well.
Sirius has offered up a free radio, the kind with FM modulator. I want to keep the factory installed, though, I'm anal about that, and having everything cleanly installed. Plus. I paid for what I have, it's not fault it screwed up. I'm still trying to find out what can be done.
I'll continue to provide updates.