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Everything posted by juscruzn

  1. I previously owned a 2011 Edge with My Ford Touch but without Nav. I liked MFT and never had a problem with the system or the Garmin GPS I used. Last year, I thought I would treat myself to a new 2017 Edge with Sync3 and Nav. I am amazed at how poor the GPS is on the new Edge. On a recent road trip, I became so frustrated with the built-in system that I came home and installed my old Garmin Nav. My wife laughed at my repeated attempts to get the wording "just right" so that the system gave some limited answers to what I was seeking. Most times, after trying "navigation" "find a POI" "search where?" "nearby" "in a different state" ect. I gave up and had to "CANCEL" I can't understand how this system is an improvement. My wife and I had a laugh as the Ford GPS showed us going cross-country as we navigated the Interstate in Louisville. My Garmin gets updates for free and has never lost track of the the roads or poi's. Luckily, it is easy to use Google Maps on my phone and play the instructions through bluetooth. I am still plugging in my old Garmin for map display--just as I did in 2011. When will Ford get it right? I know a lot of owners are using Android Auto or Google Play but I am not a data user.
  2. Antonio's last post got me looking more carefully at my controls. I realized that, on the new Escape, there is a steering wheel switch that is marked INFORMATION and an opposite switch marked HOME on the right side group of controls. I was accidentally brushing the Information switch as I drove. Problem is now completely solved.
  3. Thanks for your quick reply Antonio, This is a very small annoyance in a system that works very well in both my Escape and my Edge. I appreciate your concern and I will try the master reset if the behavior persists. Glad to know Ford cares.
  4. I own a 2011 Edge with MFT but no nav. I experimented on multiple occasions with Sync navigation. The response is so poor it is almost laughable. When my vehicle was new, I wanted to show off to my son. I called Sync for directions to the airport 10 miles from my home. Sync could not find it so I was transferred to a live operator AND he could not find the major airport in Milwaukee either. I have never encounterred such a poor system. There was no doubt when my subscription expired. My recommendation-don't wast your money. I have had excellent service from my Garmin when I need it with no hassle.
  5. I just purchased a new 2014 Escape with MFT. The services screen keeps popping up by itself forcing me to touch the home button to return to the main screen. My 2011 Edge with MFT does not go to the services screen by itself. I am wondering if this is something new in the 2014. My new Escape has around 250 miles. I have not yet run a vehicle health report. Has anyone else noticed this behavior on new Fords equipped with MFT? Is there a way to prevent the screen from going to services by itself?
  6. OK Dean I'll bite. What is a reboot utility? I just checked syncmyride.com and I found no mention of a reboot utility. I'm curious.
  7. Hello Scorpio I have a 2011 SEL and seeing the scheduled maintainance screen has been no problem. Yes, I have seen it a couple of times but after a minute or two the system reboots and everything returns to normal. I don't worry about this at all. Overall, MFT has been very kind to me.
  8. Tacyon Actually, I had no luck with using track number tags. I tried that and failed. I guess I'll stick to my m3u playlist method. Thanks anyway.
  9. Problem solved, I think. I read the info at the link provided by Kirby. It indicated that Sync was able to read pls. m3u. or wpl. I used a free program called Playlist Creator. I set up the songs in my order and saved a seperate m3u playlist in each folder on my USB drive. (pls did not seem to work and using Windows Media Player was way too complicated) When I opened the USB control panel in my EDGE, I browsed "MUSIC" There was an additional menu that listed "Playlists" I clicked that and located the m3u playlists I had saved. I chose the playlist I wanted and the music played in exactly my chosen order. I am once again thankful for this forum.
  10. Thanks Omar, I was just trying to see if there was an easy way to organize the files without renaming each id3 tag title. It's a shame the EDGE does not offer more control over playback of mp3's
  11. I have a collection of mp3 recordings on my computer. I transfer these to a usb drive when I have a long trip in my ’12 EDGE. Sometimes I break up a long radio show into as many as thirty 10 minute tracks. My problem is, I can’t seem to get these mp3 tracks to play in a certain sequence. I have tried creating playlists – both pls and m3u – but that does not seem to work. I have tried using Windows properties to change the track numbers sequentially but that does not seem to work. I have tried using Windows Media Player and WinAmp to create playlists but that did not seem to work. My latest attempt is to manually change each title by entering A through Z in front of the id3 title tag. This is very tedious. My question is for anyone else who uses a usb drive for music playback in their EDGE. What solution works for you?
  12. Saleslug, I had my door switch replaced under warranty. I was lucky it broke early. I am afraid that many 2011 owners will be facing this problem in the future. I hope Ford corrected this issue in later models. But, judging from the way Ford tried to shirk responsibility for our MFT problems, they seem to be trying to sweep this one "under the rug." I would think that they should have learned their lesson when they did the same for the MFT problem. What did it get them? Their reliability ratings hit the cellar and reviewers are still judging Ford products as if the MFT problems have not been solved. I, for one, think MFT is great. I think many of the initial problems have been solved. I would be hesitant to buy another car without MFT although I have not taken the time to evaluate competing systems. Ford sales department promised things that Ford engineering could not deliver. When you see this kind of system failure, you have to assume that we will have to deal with other problems in the future from a manufacturer that doesn't quite have its act together. By the way, I still love my Edge. It's the best vehicle I have ever owned. I don't know if I can say the same for Ford owner support.
  13. I heard a high pitched whine in my garage just after I pulled the Edge in and turned it off. This was the only time I noticed it but it was so unusual I called my wife in to try to track down the source. Later, I noticed a neighbor was using her electric leaf blower. The blower seemed to be making the same high pitched whistle that I heard. :hysterical3:
  14. Thanks Dingo You were exactly right. As you (and SMR suggested) all was well after I ran a health report. Thanks for the advice.
  15. Thanks ladybird4, The thing is, the install went perfectly. MFT was updated - it rebooted twice as expected - and it worked fine after the install - Yay, I now have the temp on the main screen. My only problem is on the computer side. I can't report back that the installation was successful.
  16. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I installed the update from my USB drive. Everything went well-it took about 35 minutes-the system rebooted and is operating correctly. When I brought back my USB drive to the computer to report a successful installation, SMR could not verify the installation. It found the USB drive OK but it appears that there is no log file on the drive to report back to SMR. I emailed SMR to explain the problem but have not heard back from them. Does anyone have a suggestion? BT4T-14D546-ED, BT4T-14D546-FA, DA5T-14D545-ASA, ATA, AUA, AVA, AXA, AQA, BAA, BBA, BCA, BDA, BEA, DA5T-14D546-AF, HA, JB, KA, LB, NA, PA, RA, SB, VB, XB, DA5T-14F497-AF, AG, DM5T-14D621-AB ect. installed and working correctly.
  17. All of you who have installed 3.2.2 -- I can turn on my radio and SYNC screen without having the key in the ignition. Is this still possible with the new update? The info on 3.2.2t says that one of the things it does is "solve" the issue of turning the radio off when you close the door. Personally, I really like to be able to turn on the radio and SYNC control panel without fooling around with the key. Can anyone tell me if running the computer now impossible without the key inserted?
  18. Thanks for the replies. I am happy to know this problem is not common to the Edge.
  19. I hope someone can give me some advice. I did a search but could not find any discussions concerning this problem. I have a 2011 SEL with 25k. About a month ago, the driver's door became hard to close. We had to slam the door multiple times to get the door ajar sensor to indicate a closed door. I have been slamming the door so hard that I think something might break! We took the car into our dealer. The dealer took off the inner door panel and adjusted the latch under waranty. The problem seems to have returned after about a week. The problem occurs almost every time we close the door from the inside or outside. The door looks closed but the sensor indicates that it is ajar. The cabin lights remain on. I am going to return to the dealer but I would like to know if any other owners have had similar problems. Please let me know. Perplexed
  20. I just saw a new Ford commercial about Sync in which Mike Rowe says "and you can put all of your music into that hard drive". This seems like a obvious misstatement. Does anyone agree?
  21. Adding photos is an easy process. The only problem is, MFT always reverts to the Ford or Lincoln logo. I have to manually choose one of my photos each time I restart the Edge. Needless to say, I tried out the system but I don't use it any more because I am too lazy to manually choose a photo each time I start the vehicle.
  22. What's done is done? There sure are many owners who have sworn that they will never buy another Ford due to the MFT problem. How will Ford get them back? It's a shame because my Edge handles and performs perfectly in every other respect and I think that most owners would agree. Ford rushed MFT into service to beat the other manufacturers. I see that many manufacturers have added some sort of computer controlled info system to their vehicles as an option. I even saw a large Bing icon on their touchscreen in the new commercial for BMW. MFT is not unique. I think that Ford needs to consider doing something special for the customers who took a risk and will probably stick with them as well as the customers who have given up on Ford for life. (I'll never buy a Chrysler product again::-) Just sayin'
  23. After all the problems, inconvenience, and ill-will that Ford has caused by releasing a flawed system without proper testing, I would think that the least they could do is give every Edge owner the nav unit along with the new update whether we purchased it originally or not. Of course, I am assuming that the new update works the way it is supposed to. When you run a business and make a mistake, you need to go out of your way to make up for it. if you want to keep your customers. Or, maybe Ford just doesn't care? Just sayin'
  24. I hope you get a reply. I own a 2011 SEL and I find that the speakers are below average. I would like to get advice on the difficulty of removing the OEM's and replacing at least the front pair. without damaging the interior panels It seems like Ford shortchanged us on speakers as an incentive for us to pay the extra money for the Sony. The OEM's are not very effective at the lower volume levels that I usually use.
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