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Everything posted by richy

  1. Honestly, that's one of those situations that as a detailer, you just try different things to see what works. Personally, I'd use Optimum cleaner (OPC) with my steamer and white terry towels. You're trying to remove a darker dye than the factory one. It's not easy. I believe the steamer would work as well as anything, but I've yet to have that situation, so I can't give a response based on experience.
  2. I am a level 4 Collision Reconstructionist. I had a case where it was a rear facing infant carrier that was in the middle position in the rear of a small compact car. The car got struck from the side by an 18 wheeler running about a 10 second old red light at a high rate of speed. The crush into the passenger compartment came all the way to the middle. Had that child been on the outboard position, it would have been a fatality. Centre is best if possible.
  3. I know you asked Canuck, but seeing as he hasn't answered yet, I'll throw in my opinion for what it's worth. I detail cars every weekend for about 8 months of the year, so I have a tiny bit of experience. You should purchase a range of pads and a versatile compound/polish combo to attack your situation. I use and recommend Meguiars 105 and 205. I use Buff and Shine pads that I also highly recommend. You can get both at Autoality.com. Eric is an extremely fair guy and great to deal with. What polisher do you have? What is your budget for one? Eric can help you there too. Pick up some soft mf's while you're at it. Not all Edges will correct the same. No colour corrects the same. Pretty much every car is different. You just need to try a few different pads to see what will work best for your particular situation. Hope that helps.
  4. Painting the area is your only option here.
  5. Congratulations! Priorities, your life, everything in short...changes. And for a good thing! We were married 13 years before our first beautiful daughter came along. We are very blessed to have 2 daughters now. I'm very happy for you.
  6. richy

    Dead Forum

    This place buzzes when there are problems. Probably a good thing traffic is down, LOL. My Lincoln has been great since the 2nd last (I didn't do the last) update. Just getting her ready for Winter now.
  7. Just make sure that you've actually saved the info in the preset. If not, there is no default for it to return to. Set it, change it, and shut off the car and get out and lock the door. When you unlock it, everything should return to the position you set it to. If not, you've not set it correctly.
  8. Mine has been working fine after the last huge update. I see no reason to install this one frankly. Seems like a lot of issues with it. In my case, it ain't broke, and I'm not fixing it!
  9. If you mean this one: http://www.carpro-us.com/polyshave-decon-block/applicators-tools/ I love it. It can scratch litely depending on the paint. I am always polishing following the use of mine, so that doesn't matter to me. It's fast and easy and very effective. Well priced too!
  10. I'm delighted everything went so well for you, that makes me happy! You made me laugh when I read you tried your machine on someone else's car first.... Anyway, I love the beading shot and wait till you see how easy it will be to wash it. Sheet the water when you rinse and you'll barely have to dry anything off. Next to a coating, that is the best combo you can get...period!
  11. You could also go on a forum like Autogeek, Detailers Domain, Live2Detail, etc and ask on there. There are detailers from all over the world on them. You can compare their sites, writeups, etc.
  12. richy

    MFT funny

    It would have been hilarious if she mis-pronounced it!!
  13. I went with the Carpro.Us foam clay block (just like the Ultima one).. It's much cheaper and I really like it.
  14. I would suggest going to Detailer's Domain (.com) and get either 303 Fabric Guard: https://www.detailersdomain.com/mobile/home.asp?#page-84 Or look at the Wolfs version textile sealant which is newer: https://www.detailersdomain.com/mobile/home.asp?#page-173
  15. I bought one of these based on your recommendation. I've only used it once, but I love it. I did 1/2 my windshield and it had a bit of a haze on it and the haze was removed. I need to get a photo with the sun low in the sky and then I'll be doing a review on it at Live2Detail.
  16. Torque namely. The engines are more efficient and also need to run on fewer revs to generate power. Power can be measured by horsepower (higher rpms needed) and torque which is generated in the lower end of the rpm range. Now that the diesel fuel has been brought up to standard, we here in NA can finally get these really efficient diesels that Europe has had for so long. Also, since the transmissions now have so many gears, the diesel makes even more sense b/c you can keep the revs low, keep changing gears and use very little fuel.
  17. I'm not surprised. I came home with a script saying I should get laid every night. It wasn't filled either....
  18. Joe, our wives must be sisters! LOL
  19. Do a search on here. I know it's been discussed before. Can't remember where it was located?
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